
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-15

  办公室门牌可翻译为“the doorplate of the office”.
  1指挥中心 management center
  2设备机房 machine room
  3卫生间 restroom
  男士 gentlemen
  女士 ladies

  5更衣间 dressing room
  6应急物资储备室 storeroom for emergency reserve
  7教学室 lecture room
  8领导监控室 monitor room
  9休息室 lounge
  10 系统维护室 system maintenance room
  11 图书室 reading room/library
  12 信息管理办公室 information management office
  13 主任办公室 director office
  14 活动室 multi-purpose room
  1、Joe nailed the doorplate to the wall.
  2、We have moved our house to another place, but my address still is the old, because we moved with our doorplate.
  3、This paper, taking a doorplate as the landmark, studies the doorplate recognition algorithm by making full use of the modern image processing technology.

总经理室: General Manager Office,Executive Office
副总经理室:Deputy General Manager Office, Vice General Manager Office
总经理助理:Assistant to General Manager
综合部经理:Administration Manager
综合部副经理:Deputy Administration Manager
综合部:Administration Department
(这里我理解为行政部 不知道对不对)

会议室:Boardroom, Conference Room
男:Gentlemen;Gentlemen's Room,Men,Men's
女:Ladies,Ladies Room

市场部经理:Marketing Manager,Manager of Marketing Department
市场部:Marketing Department
市场部副经理:Deputy Marketing Manager,Deputy Manager of Marketing Department

人力资源部经理:Human Resource Manager,Manager of Human Resource Department
人力资源部: Human Resource Department

党群工作部主任:Leader of Party Department
党群工作部:Party Department
双安办公室: Security Office
综合文秘管理中心: General Secretary Management Center
监控室:Surveilance Room, Control Room, Monitor Room.

财务部经理:Financial Manager,Manager of Financial Department
财务部: Financial Department
网络部经理:Network Manager, Manager of Computer Network
网络部: Network Department
审计、财务副经理: Deputy Audit and Financial Manager, Deputy Manager of Audit and Financial Department
审计视察室:Audit Inspection Office

物资采购管理中心:Material Purchasing Management Center
基建后勤服务中心:Infrastructure and Logistic Service Center

客服部经理: Customer Service Manager,Manager of Customer Service Department
客服部: Customer Service Department

车队:Vehicle Management
集团信息化服务部经理:Manager of Group Informatization Service Division
综合信息服务局:General Information Service
综合信息服务局局长: Director of General Information Service
集团信息化服务部: Group Informatization Service Division

College office, office of the Dean, vice president office, the student association activities room, office, secretary, office building

Office Doorplate

  • 办公室门牌上的英文应该怎么翻译啊???急!!
    答:茶水间 pantry 机房 Computer lab 大会议室 Large meeting room 小会议室 Small meeting room 总经理助理 General Manager Assistant 工程管理部 Engineering Management Department 财务管理部 Financial Management Department 成本管理部 Cost Management Department 设计管理部 Design Management ...
  • 求几个办公室门牌的英文翻译,谢谢!!
    答:副总经理 Vice general manager 财务总监 Financial majordomo 前期部 Pre-work department 销售系统:策划部,Designing department 宣传部,Publicizing Department 销售部,Sales Department 客服部,Service Department 广告部,Advertisement Department 营销顾问部 Market Department 综合办公室 Integration Office ...
  • 求办公室门牌的英文翻译啊,谢谢了,大家帮帮忙
    答:工程设计部Construction & Design Dept. 样品室 Sample Room 会议室Meeting Room 保卫室Safe-Guarder Room /Guard Room 策划部主管Supervisor/Director of Planning Department 传达室reception room 食堂工作间 Canteen workshop值班室Room on-duty 质量安全部 Quality Safety Department 部门经理办公室...
  • 办公室门牌翻译摆脱大家 了 要求正规点啊 放在办公室门牌上的 好的我...
    答:储备室 storage room 档案室 file (storage) room 会议室 meeting room/Conference Room 会议厅 分别在那?? 对不起我没在亚洲打过工对它们分不太清 财务部 finance department 营业部 marketing department 采购部 purchasing department 茶水房 Pantry 经理=manager 经理室= manager office xx经理室= xx ...
  • 求几个办公室门牌英文翻译
    答:Office 2.主任室 Director's Room 3.灭火器实验室 Fire Extinguisher Test Lab 4.综合试验室 Comprehensive Lab 5.材料室 Materials Room 6.生物室 Biology Lab 7.防火涂料室 Fire-retartant Coating Test Lab 8.铺地材料室 Surfaces Room 9.壁炉室 Fireplace Room 翻译成Test Lab或者Lab 的如果不...
  • 办公室门牌翻译:经理室、主管室、内勤室、储藏室
    答:副总经理 Vice general manager 财务总监 Financial majordomo 前期部 Pre-work department 销售系统:策划部,Designing department 宣传部,Publicizing Department 销售部,Sales Department 客服部,Service Department 广告部,Advertisement Department 营销顾问部 Market Department 综合办公室 Integration Office ...
  • 求办公室门牌的英文翻译啊,谢谢了,急用的呀
    答:局长室 Secretary Room 副局长室 Deputy Secretary Room 办公室 Office 文书室 Instrument room 纪检组长室 Discipline inspection head room 食品科 Food Section 监管科 Regulation Section 会议室 Conference Room 接待室 Reception 值班室 Office 传达室 Janitor's room 档案室 Archives 检验室 Laboratory ...
  • 急求几个办公室门牌翻译,现场服务支持中心,监控室,ICP备案室,资料室...
    答:Onsite Support Service Center 现场服务支持中心 Control Room 监控室 ICP Filing Room ICP备案室 Reference Room 资料室 Equipment Commissioning Area 设备调试区 Machinery Room 机房 Office Area 办公区 Conference Room 会议室 Do not shout /Please be quite请勿喧哗 Please keep quite 请保持安静 补...
  • 办公室门牌翻译
    答:Marketing 1 Marketing 2 Marketing 3 Marketing 4 肯定是General Manager Office 好
  • 公司门牌的英文翻译 急~~~
    答:操作室 Operation Room 调度处 Dispatch Office 调度处处长室 Dispatch Director's Office 库管处处长室 Warehousing Director's Office 库管处 Warehousing Office 安保处处长室 Security Director's Office 安保处 Security Office 办公室主任室 Administration Manager's Office...