
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-21


1. 你只看了一个电影,要用单数 a movie。
2. Watch a movie 是在家看电影,通常是在电视上看。现在也指在线看。到电影院看电影是 see a movie。我看你写的开头还以为你把朋友请到家里来了呢。
3. 讲故事的时候时态要一致,不要有时用过去时有时用现在时。when we get to the cinema应该是when we got to the cinema。
4. 电影院工作人员不是waitress,应该用the lady working there。
5. 她说完话结尾你忘了加引号。
6. a distance way应该是a distance away。
7. always ready应该是always be ready,有情态动词should时不要忘了谓语动词。

This story reminds me one of my 【experiences】. I had 【many difficulties】in learning English 【because I was born and raised in China 土生土长的】, and was 【especially poor】 in oral English. 【My classmate always make fun of my mistakes】. However, I never 【give】 up. Instead I kept listening to the tape and practicing speaking 【English】 whenever I got a chance. As I expected, my English 【improved】 quickly, to my surprise, I even get an “A” in the oral English exam.
In my opinion, though life can be hard, we shouldn’t easily 【give up】 what we do. If we make up our minds, and try again and again, we will finally get the sunshine we want. As the saying goes, “God helps those who help themselves. Success only belongs to those who have strong wills.”


Nowadays, more and more people prefer talking about on(去掉:on) dormitory life, because it plays(添加:a) significant role in our(最好去掉OUR,因为OUR和第一句的people逻辑上有点“冲突”,当然这个不是个大问题。直接写IN DAILY LIFE 就可以) daily life.

It has caused substantial impact on the society and our daily life. Sometimes, in our dormitory maybe have some controversial(CONTROVERSIAL是形容词性,建议改为名词词性,或者在其后加个ideas).
As is known to all, a harmonious dormitory life is important to college students and benefits all the members. On one hand, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study. On the other hand, we will have a good mood and enjoy being together.
How to establish the harmonious dormitory life ? I belivev(believe) it is hight(应该是HIGH吧) time that we took some effective measures to solve the(可以把THE改为THIS ) problem. As the(可以将THE改为A) proverb says (goes), “Custom makes all things easy..” It is an undeniable fact that try to get rid of your dirty habits, if there are any(这句话写得很牵强,不过没有语法错误). A bright future is waiting for us when all the measures are taken seriously implementation.(最后一句有点问题。从中文理解应该是:所有的措施被采取严格的执行。实际上ARE TAKEN在这里是被动了,后面SERIOUSLY修饰taken还是可以理解,至于最后加了一个名词【执行】就错误了,至于原因不赘述)


第一句改为Nowadays, more and more people prefer talking about dormitory life, because it plays a significant role in our daily life.
Sometimes, in our dormitory maybe have some controversial. 这个句子缺少主语,另外controversial是形容词应用名词controversy
How to establish the harmonious dormitory life ? 句中the 改为a
It is an undeniable fact that try to get rid of your dirty habits, if there are any. that 从句中缺少主语


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    答:and was 【especially poor】 in oral English. 【My classmate always make fun of my mistakes】. However, I never 【give】 up. Instead I kept listening to the tape and practicing speaking 【English】 whenever I got a chance.
  • 我写的英语作文请帮我看下有没有语法错误请帮忙改正谢谢
    答:1 in our dormitory maybe have some controversy,有语法错误,把in去掉,把maybe改为may 2 we can have a good rest and put our heart into study个人认为把put in to 改为concentrate one,mind on比较好 还是尽量不用heartS吧 3 I beliveve it is high time that we took some ...
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    答:1 时态 一篇文章一种时态。。前面将来时,后面就应该也是将来时 而不能用过去时态was 改为will be 2 短语搭配 携带某物是 take with 不能take直接加某物 Xiaoxiao will take with something to eat I like to take with something to drink ,such as apple juice 3 习惯用法 such as表...
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    答:talked about)that’s UFO 不是 a UFO。we looked upward。said with a low voice near us: next to us 更好一些 got out: came out i'm afraid: i'm scared 是我很害怕的意思,不应用afraid widely open 语法 形容词 应该用woke up,要用过去时态 总的来说,不错! 加油!!
  • 英语作文,帮我看看有没有什么语法错误?
    答:1 warm的比较级是warmer.2 We will waiting是错误的用法,应该用动词原形wait.3 最后一段,All student is agree 是错误的用法,应该用复数形式All students are agreed.4 最后一个单词用复数形式memories.
  • 帮我看看这篇英语作文有没有语法错误
    答:语法错误好像没有。但我可以指几点可以改的地方。1.He found that listening is more difficult .这句话,最好改成最高级,He found that listening is the most difficult.你本身句子并没有错误,但根据前后文,和其他2项做下比较,因为用最高级比较好点。2He couldn't understand every word。