
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-21

As is known to all, leaving others a good impression is quite important. Everyone wants to leave a good impression in an interpersonal communication. Thus, what should we do?
Say Hi to them actively. For the strangers, you will put yourself at a high position when you start to speak first. If you can say Hi actively, you will leave them a deep impression.
Know what they like. Only when you talk about what they are interested in will they like to talk with you and have a good impression on you. You can even talk about the news and the books with those who don't know you well. It can help you be popular in a short time.
Don't neglect the farewell when you separate. You can make up for the problem that has emerged during your communication by making a good farewell. A good impression in the other side's mind will be a good compensation.
Trust in you charm. Keep confident through the whole communication.
Those are the ways I sum up that can leave others a good impression. If you can do like that, I believe you are sure to leave others a good impression.

个人建议 :你原文中出现太多重复的“留下好印象”, 这本身就会留下不太好的印象……

british love potatoes as their food.they often eat it as staple food rather than bread.there are only one or two kinds of potato in china,but in britain there are ten or more kinds:small,large,yellow and white.they are very cheap.in britain,there are many ways to cook potato,but only few ways are popular.
the most popular one is fish&chips down the street in many store.in fact,the chips are thick like bar.when you walk on street at anytime,you can always see many people hand a bag make of paper.fish&chips which with tomato sauce or cheese something is in the bag.the most interesting thing is the bag.its made of paper which news of today.so in this way,you can eat your food with newspaper.of course,they use case or plain paper today.because fish&chips is delicious,hot and convenient,after hundred years,it becomes the most popular food for everyone.by the way,some people treat fish&chips as their meal,others just have it like starter or snack.

if some one can translate it well,i'll preciate.

The 80th annivesary of the founding of our school is celebrated in our school. Today is exactly its 80th birthday, a day worth celebration. We had a grand celerbration and enjoyed the warm atmosphere. Many former schoolmates came here and the playground was filled with people.

The celebration began. At first there were many performances: singing, dancing, martial arts....All of them were wonderful. Then the school leader went on the platform and made a speech. The celebration became heated. At 11 o'clock, we began to sing the school anthem. And with our loud singing, the celebration came to an end.

My school has held 80 years school anniversary, today is its 80thbirthday, is day which is worth congratulating. The scene is extremelygreat, lively. Some many old alumni arrived here, entire big drillground sea of people.
The school anniversary started, the opening has many performances:Sings, dance, martial arts... The performance extremely is allsplendid. Afterwards, the school leader came on stage the lecture, theentire school anniversary entered the superheating. 11: 00,school anthem resounds, along with everybody resonant singing sound, the schoolanniversary ends.

My school has held 80 years school anniversary, today is its 80thbirthday, is day which is worth congratulating. The scene is extremelygreat, lively. Some many old alumni arrived here, entire big drillground sea of people.
The school anniversary started, the opening has many performances:Sings, dance, martial arts... The performance extremely is allsplendid. Afterwards, the school leader came on stage the lecture, theentire school anniversary entered the superheating. 11: 00, 校歌resounds, along with everybody resonant singing sound, the schoolanniversary ends.

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