商务英语作文why we need to research a country before doing business or inversting

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-25

“为什么要推荐别人学习商务英语这门课程”可以这样用英语说:Business English is widely used in international trade, and is an indispensable language for both sides of business cooperation. Business English is mainly characterized by specialization, colloquial language and strong pertinence. Practicability is the biggest characteristic of business English. It not only improves the ability of speaking and language, but also improves the ability of living and surviving.商务英语在国际贸易中应用广泛,是企业合作双方不可缺少的交流语言。商务英语的特点主要在于专业化、口语化和较强的针对性,实用性是商务英语最大的特点,它的提高不仅只是说话和语言的能力,也提高了生活和生存的能力。想要了解更多关于英语方面的相关信息,推荐咨询美联英语。美联英语可以随时预习复习、了解自己的进度情况,测评及报告分析,还有多款趣味小游戏寓教于乐。提供英语培训,英语口语培训,商务英语口语培训,零基础英语培训,企业英语培训,纯英语母语外教4人小班等,已在北京、成都、重庆、长沙、东莞、佛山、广州、惠州、合肥、江门、昆明、绵阳、南京、南昌、宁波、泉州、深圳、绍兴、沈阳、苏州、厦门、武汉、无锡、西安、中山等城市设立了英语培训机构,学英语上英语学习网站。【免费领取英语试听课】


你好~ 我是商务英语专业大三学生,下面的文113词,完全手打原创,正好11月份考过BEC高级,趁着还没忘记写滴。希望对你有帮助,望采纳哦~O(∩_∩)O~
Researching the country before doing business is vital for the success of the deals.
Firstly, when doing business abroad, we need to have a good understanding of local culture and practices. The wrong way of doing business abroad or cultural shock can blow off your deal.
Secondly, market research is of importance, if you want to explore new overseas market when domestic market is saturated. For example, local people’s preferences and tastes, local customs and religion can have a huge influence on your sales volume.
Thirdly, after you have some knowledge of the country’ government police, you will have a clear objective of how to invest and where to locate your headquarters.