
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-29
英语达人进 请把“有了方向,就不怕等待的时间有多长”翻译成英文

I don't mind how long I have to wait, as long as I have known the direction.


1. educational
A. What facility do you think a good school should have? good teaching facilities and qualified teachers.
B. What is value reading letters that famous in history had written?
it helps us know sth about the past and gives us experience to handle the problems we are facing to now.
2. Cuture
A. Nowadays, what kind of people need to held in China? And why?(这个问题有错误)
B. What kind of people you would like to be friends with state there reason? a brave and kind person.kindness is a rare character now.and Courage brings more opportunities.

3. Environmental
A. What do you think are the most serious environment problem we are incountering today? And how have they changed our environment?the greenhouse effect.
B. What do you think are the main advantage of an electron automobile?it helps prevent the environment.

4. 生活类
A. Describe the place you like very much when you are a child?i hoped t could live in a house built on tree,and i could make friends with bird.
B. Recommend on of your favourite restaurant or cafe?KFC brings me lots of convenieces

i think the payment you have gave doesn't worth more answers.
历史我不会 理科生。
6. ambition
A. If you are an English teacher today, how can you make every student like English? trying to teach english in an interesting way and making friends with them.
B. What kind of people will you like to be and why?a brave people,becuase i could have more chance if i am brave enough to have a try.

7. moral
A. Do you agree with using animal for experiments?no

B. Do you think we should always help beggars on the street?no.because some of them are richer than me.

A. How have computers change every one’s life?we can use computer to learn more than we read in books.
B. The negative influence of mobile phone may bring us?students may text messages in class.

A. If my country wants to attack foreign investment, how can we do so?China is a peaceful country and there won't be the day that we want to attack others.
B. How can companies improve conditions for workers to encourage them to work harder? give higher payments.

10. Economic
A. On what basics you choose your employer?his ability and character.
B. What are character of successful business ?the experience.




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