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with的用法。with+n+ to do 和with+n+doing/done的区别
答:with + 宾语 + 宾补 当补语和宾语是主动关系时,宾补是 doing 被动关系时,宾补是done 当表示动作还没有进行时,即:表示将来时,用 to do ◆with + 宾语 + 动词ing (表示主动,正进行)He lies there, with his eyes looking at the window.◆with + 宾语 + 动词ed(表被动)All the ...

答:withntodo主动表被动的条件如下 1 主语发出to do 这个动作 2 动作还没有发生,表示将来意味

with n to do 与with n to be done的区别
答:to do是去做,主动;to be done也是去做,但是是 被动

答:with +n+ doing(n 和do 是主动关系)with +n+ done (n和do是被动关系)with +n +to do (表示主语将要做,只能用to do, 不能用to be done 哦)例如:We arrived at the station with the boy leading the way. 有孩子带路 He went back home with his work done. 工作做完了,回家了....

with+n.+done/to do/doing都怎么用呢?请举几个例子吧,谢谢。
答:do,且无论宾语和宾补动词之间是主动还是被动关系,一律使用不定式的主动结构,而不能使用to be done.如:With much wok to do,I can't go out with you now.很明显,do much work该动作尚未发生,所以用不定式to do.尽管work和do之间应该是被动关系,但是仍然使用主动式to do,而不用被动式to ...

答:1. with+n+doing,用现在分词体现名词和动词的主动关系,with的复合结构做伴随状语和原因状语。With the cowboy guiding,we found the old temple in the forest.2. with+n+done,表示被动和完成。With the work done,we went to bed.3.with+n+to do,表示将来的事情 With much work to do...

用with+n+to do…… phrace造句
答:I cannot sleep well with so many problems to be solved.I cannot feel relaxed with so much work to be done.

with的复合结构用法 with的复合结构用法介绍
答:1、with的复合结构用法:with的复合结构(作状语或作定语):with + n. + adj. (with可以省略)。with + n.+ doing/being done (动词的动作正在进行)。with + n.+ to do/to be done (动词的动作还未进行)。2、with + n.+ to do/to be done (动词的动作还未进行)with + n.+ doing/...

答:work finished.(with+n.+done)(with+n.+done)Students leave with all the doors open.(with+ n.+ to do)The manager will have a hard time so much hard work to finish.(with+n.+adj./adv./介词短语)以上是with复合结构四种用法,希望能帮到你,诚心诚意为您服务,望采纳,谢谢!

with a lot of problems ( ),the newly-elected presdient is having...
答:The problem is too difficult to work out (to be worked out).The house is big enough to live in.4.在"with+n+to do"结构中.例如:With nothing to do,he lay in bed.With so many exercises to do,I can't go to the cinema.5.当不定式的逻辑主语在句中出现时.例如:I have a ...


厍贺15965899336: with的复合结构造句!with+n+adj/adv/prep/v.ing/v.ed/to do/ 请问谁能用这些词,每个造一个句子?就是with+n+后面的那些 每个造一个! - 作业帮
尖扎县宁哪::[答案] He stood in the wind with his nose red.He slept in the room with the light on.She came in with nothing in hand. He came out of the workroom with the machine runnin...

厍贺15965899336: which +n to do sth有这样的语法吗?如果有,那它的意思是什么 -
尖扎县宁哪:: WITH 可以有以下3中结构 with加上sth再加上doing/done/to do doing表示动词和sth之间是一种主动关系而done表示被动而to do 表示一种还没发生的动作,在这里我可以举例 1.With a lot of homework to do,I can't go out. 2.With a lot of homework finished,I am tired. 3.With the baby crying,I couldn't fall asleep.第一句表示作业还没做,第二句表示作业已“被”完成.第三句则表示婴儿在哭另外想提醒复合结构是非谓语结构

厍贺15965899336: With the first moon colonies predicted for the 1970's, -
尖扎县宁哪:: with + 宾语+ 宾语补足语的用法 with +n. +to do 表示有什么事情要做,表将来.(未做的事情) with some work to do ,i cannot play games with +n. + doing 随着...(宾语与主语的关系是动宾关系,被动态) with time going by ,we are more and more healthy with +n. +done 同时某事被做了(已完成的状态,宾语与主语的关系是主谓关系,主动态) with the flower watered,i could go outside

厍贺15965899336: 用with+n+to do…… phrace造句 -
尖扎县宁哪:: I cannot sleep well with so many problems to be solved.I cannot feel relaxed with so much work to be done.

厍贺15965899336: 用以下句型各写一句英文句子1、with+n.+todo2、主语
尖扎县宁哪:: With a lot of homework to do, I refused to go outside.