
来源:kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

答:Is hoover shown wearing a dress?胡佛会穿着女裙现身吗?3.Jane seymour is wearing pamella roland.简西摩穿着大红的帕梅拉罗兰礼服。4.I'm wearing a blouse today.今天,我穿着一件宽松短衫。5.But will snooty shoppers in the west want to own what thousands of chinese people are wearing...

what are your wearing today?回答怎么做有奖


where are you waering today?的答句
答:WHAT ARE YOU WEARING TODAY?* Today I am wearing: A sweater by Terasa

what a beautiful dress you have on today
答:what a beautiful dress you have on today 中文意思是:你今天穿的裙子多漂亮啊!也可以读作:How beautiful the skirt you are wearing today!what a 英 [hwɔt ei] 美 [hwɑt e]好一个 beautiful 英 [ˈbju:tɪfl] 美 [ˈbjutəfəl]adj.美丽...

答:她穿着什么:What is she wearing.例句:她穿着什么衣服?What did she have on?她今天穿着什么?What is she wearing today?步态识别作为一种新兴的生物特征识别技术,主要通过检测人们走路的方式来进行身份识别,而不论他(她)们穿着什么样的衣服。Gait recognition is a new kind of biometric ...

where are you waering today?的答句
答:WHAT ARE YOU WEARING TODAY?* Today I am wearing: A sweater by Terasa

答:who is Wearing orange today.今天谁穿的橘色衣服。Wear 英 [weə(r)]     美 [wer]v. 磨损;穿戴;使疲劳;n. 磨损;穿着;耐久性。The carpet will stand any amount of wear.这地毯极其耐用。用法:1、wear用作动词的基本意思是“穿着,戴着”,可表示穿的动作,也可以表示一种...

i'm wearing___today.(横线上填什么)
答:我今天穿着...wear后面既可以接衣服类名词,比如I'm wearing a skirt today 我今天穿着裙子; 也可以接颜色类,比如I'm wearing red today 我今天穿红色。

答:正确写法:who is wea green today 中文意思是:谁是我们绿色的今天 也可以读作:Who is our green today?who is 谁是;是谁 green 英 [gri:n] 美 [ɡrin]adj.绿色的;未熟的,青春的;未成熟的;主张保护环境的 n.绿色蔬菜;绿色的衣服;植物 vi.绿化,使重视环境保护问题 复数: greens ...


金鸦17877045948: she is in/wearing a green skirt today.答案选wearing ,为什么?我觉得两个都可以 - 作业帮
南岔区索涛::[答案] 如果用in应该,She is in green today. in 用于颜色,而不是衣服. 而 wearing 针对的宾语是衣服. 所以只能用wearing

金鸦17877045948: 今天我穿的大衣翻译成英语 -
南岔区索涛:: The coat I'm wearing today.

金鸦17877045948: What is she wearing today?和 What does she wear today?意思一样不?有区别没?What is she wearing today?和 What does she wear today?意思一样不... - 作业帮
南岔区索涛::[答案] 楼上的瞎说,只看时态就说不一样. 其实实质的意思都是问她今天穿的什么,只是句型不同而已.就好像,how are you?和How you doing?一样,都是问你好.

金鸦17877045948: The color of the shirt he is wearing today does not match that of his tie. -
南岔区索涛:: that这里指代的是the color,这样说可以避免重复,不好听.这句相当于(The color of the shirt he is wearing today) 主语does not match谓语 (the color of his tie)宾语.