
来源:kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-26

答:正是这些多余的东西定义了人类的文化,并且最终定义了人类的文化。precisely adv. 精确地;恰恰 superfluous adj. 多余的;不必要的;奢侈的 define vt. 定义;使明确;规定 ultimately adv. 最后;根本;基本上 目的状语从句

at last,at the end, eventually,finally的区别是什么,如何使用呢...
答:finally/ at last/ in the end/ at length/lastly/eventually和ultimately 都有最后,最终的意思,at last 多指经主观努力,克服各种困难后才终于达到目的。eventually 侧重于动作或行为的结果。finally 常与at last换用,都可用于对往事的描述,但finally不带感情色彩,指一系列事情的最后结局。in the ...

答:ultimate 英 [ˈʌltɪmət] 美 [ˈʌltəmɪt]adj.最后的; 极限的; 首要的; 最大的 n.终极; 顶点; 基本原理; 基本事实 终极;最终的;最后的;极致 复数: ultimates 派生词:ultimacy ultimately 双语例句 1. Their ultimate aim was a ...

答:可以不用“第一,第二,第三”这种表达方式,使用逻辑连词效果更好,比如首先……然后……其次……最后这样的逻辑,这样在写作里得分也高。1、originally, primarily, initially。2、and, further,moreover, besides, furthermore, additionally。3、finally,eventually, ultimately。

答:finally是副词,其意有三种,其意思相同的词分别为:1、终于,最终(用于经过一段长时间、特别是经过困难或耽搁之后的事),其同意词有:at last,at length,eventually,ultimately,in the end,in couse of time等.2、最后 (用于举例,引出所提事情、观点的最后一项、一点),同意的:in conclusion ,lastly,...

much less和not to mention有什么区别?
答:ultimately adverb 1 finally, after a series of things have happened:Everything will ultimately depend on what is said at the meeting with the directors next week.Ultimately, of course, he'd like to have his own business but that won't be for some time.2 used to emphasize the...

「 终于 」用英语怎么说
答:终于 用英语怎么说终于 [词典] finally; eventually; at last; in the end; by-and-by;[例句]他们终于赢得了自由。At last they won their freedom.

statutory ;auditorium;ultimately ; 这英语用谐音怎么读?
答:statutory ——思大撤吹 auditorium——污的吐瑞木 ultimately——奥特们嘞 这是这三个单词的大致谐音读法,但是我不太建议使用谐音读法,虽然可以快速的读会大致读音,但是脱离了谐音就会快速遗忘,属于短暂性的记忆方式,最好的学习英语的方式还是学习音标,学会了音标看到了不会的单词就会快速的拼出来。

ultimately fall 什么意思
答:中文释义:最终下跌。同义词:eventually fall 例句:1.With china easing its one-child policy, however, demand for housing could ultimately fall.然而,随着中国放宽计划生育政策,房屋需求量最终有可能下降。2.Depending on how many sectors ultimately fall under california's emissions policy, such...

destroy ;ruin; ultimately 这英语用谐音怎么读?
答:destroy ;ruin;


甘天18977803092: 最后 用英语怎么说 -
迎泽区海彬:: 最后的英语是finally. 读音:英 ['faɪnəlɪ]美 ['faɪnlɪ] 词意:adv. 最后;终于;决定性地 一、短语 1、Love Finally 男得有爱 ; 男患上有爱 2、finally ad 不可更改的 ; 决定性地 ; 最后 ; 终于最后 3、Finally Full 终于圆满 4、finally ended 终...

甘天18977803092: ultimately eventually的差别 31.Everyone knew that - _______ - the project would be completed and we'd all have to return to our own separate departments. - 作业帮
迎泽区海彬::[选项] A. primarily B. ultimately C. eventfully D. precisely 选B,为什么C不可以?

甘天18977803092: 表达“首先”、“其次”、“然后”、“最后”、“综上”的高级英语短语有哪些? -
迎泽区海彬:: 首先: first、firstly、in the first place、in the first instance、first of all、first off、(the) first thing、above all、for one thing、for a start、to start with、to begin with 其次: second、the next 、secondly、in the next place、moreover 、secondary 然...