
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-24


叔玉15859053014: Helen is twenty years old ,and her age is four times as much as Mary 's.When Helen 's age is twi...Helen is twenty years old ,and her age is four times as much ... - 作业帮
鹤岗市侯素::[答案] 翻译:Helen20岁,她的年龄是Mary的4倍.当Helen的年龄是Mary的两倍的时候,Helen多少岁? 回答:Helen is 30 years old then.到那时Helen30岁

叔玉15859053014: twi two hundred的意思是400吗? - 作业帮
鹤岗市侯素::[答案] 查到在代数里面,作为词根(前缀),twi=two. "Algebra twi=two twice (两次,两倍) twilight twig twist (distort)" 准便提一下,tri是表示三的. 所以,twi一般只作为单词前缀使用,表示二的含义,而不能单独使用.“twi two hundred" 的表达方式是...

叔玉15859053014: 下面英文自我介绍 hello everyone.first let me introduce name is i will olng a little english my interest is the movie and tourism i like the movie the twilght... - 作业帮
鹤岗市侯素::[答案] 整篇文章还是很不错的,只是有个别地方写得不太清楚.如:1. I will olng a little english. 是不是想说:I can speak a little English. 或是Ihave learnt a little English?2. my interest is the movie and touri...