
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-25

答:最佳答案I went to Hainan on vacation Summer comes , and the weather has become irritating. My big sister suggested going to Hainan for a good relax. I thought about it for a while and agreed. Hainan is really a good place, where palm trees are abundant. We went to a park ...

答:篇一 In the early morning, my sister went out and brought home a bunch of pretty flowers. Right after my mother got up out of bed, we said "Happy Mother's Day"! to her and gave her the flowers. My mother was very happy; she *** iled and said, ‘How wonderful the ...

答:I have to clean the mess made by the animals! It drove me crazy to pick up the mess from the troublesome rabbits every hour. Anyway this was not the hardest thing that I have faced in my life. (when saying 'every hour'it sounds more angry than saying 'once an hour'.) ...

答:I and computer's story the computer, is in the 21st century family an essential individual contribution. My family also has a computer. I and the computer have pull the unceasing emotions, could not say gratitude and grudges. Both of us sometimes are the good friends, sometimes i...

答:电视剧《现代钟无艳》主题曲是《梦境成真》,由陈松伶演唱。一、歌词 名:梦境成真 唱:陈松伶 词:潘伟源 曲:徐嘉良 谁能料到 风与云全为我起 惟求梦变真 挫败也不断试 想放下 多少次 坚持为你起 我跟你始终心一致 哪管风或雨 情 留在你心里 我怎不知 你的痴心极真挚 相勉励 相关注 ...

Can you find the same Chinese proverbs(谚语)有例
答:It is the first step that is troublesome. 万事开头难。 J Justice has long arms. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 K Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is key to it. 实践得真知。 Keeping is harder than winning. 创业不易,守业更难。 Knowledge is no burden. 艺不压身。 Kiss and be friends. 握...


冷丹17066648300: troublesome是什么意思 -
左贡县竺骂:: troublesome [英][ˈtrʌblsəm][美][ˈtrʌbəlsəm] adj.令人讨厌的; 令人烦恼的; 引起麻烦的; (孩子等)难管的; 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.Turkey breeding is a troublesome but perspective business. 饲养火鸡是个麻烦事,但是商业前景不错

冷丹17066648300: 多事之秋 英文怎么讲? -
左贡县竺骂:: troubled times 一般来说,对于这类词要意译,多事之秋 是动荡,事故或事变很多的时期,也就是说这段时期很麻烦, 所以意译过来就是 troubled times如果想这个词是即指好事也批坏事的话,最好...

冷丹17066648300: 英语单词troublesome是什么意思啊? -
左贡县竺骂:: adj. 麻烦的;讨厌的;使人苦恼的 [ 比较级 more troublesome 最高级 most troublesome ]