
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-14

答:2. N-SING 单数名词草地;草坪;草场 If you talk about the grass, you are referring to an area of ground that is covered with grass, for example in your garden. 【搭配模式】:usu the NIn the old days, there were strict fines for walking on the grass or missing a study ...

英语翻译There is a grass in the picture.这句话对吗
答:不对,grass是不可数的 there are some grass in this picture.there are some grass in this picture._有道翻译 翻译结果:有一些草在这张照片。

there are a lot of grass in the garden there is a lot of grass in...

答:grass。grass的读音:英[gra:s]。名词意思为草、青草,草地、草坪,还有告密者的意思。动词意思为用草覆盖、使某地方长满草、使某动物吃草。形容词意思为渐渐被草覆盖。放牧第三人称单数:grasses。复数:grasses。现在分词:grassing。过去式:grassed。过去分词:grassed。例句:There are some sheep...

In our school ___ some grass. It's green.
答:grows 长着 这是一个倒装句,正常语序是Some grass grows in our school. It's green.又如:This district grew cotton on a large scale.这个地区过去大量种棉花。

改错there are some grass over there
答:There is some grass over there

答:AR在澳大利亚的市中心。她离悉尼有2km,所以我们大多时候坐飞机。原先是阴天,但是我们离开了那座山之后,那里就几乎看不到云了。大多数的陆地看上去像沙子一样,虽然爸爸告诉我他们比你想的要绿。“那里有很多绵羊”他说,“但是没什么人。!”AR是个很大,比较低的山。The sky after we arrived(...

答:我很高兴能认识你并和你成为朋友 I miss you very well and thus I'm writhing to tell you anything about my new life at collage.我非常想念你所以我写信告诉你我崭新的大学生活 My new school is so beautiful as a huge garden.我的新学校美丽得犹如巨大的花园 There are green grass and ...

there are—— trees and grass in the garden。这里的many 用的对不...
答:是的用many,there be结构遵循就近原则

There__ green grass and beautiful flowers. B. are
答:英式英语 解释:英式英语是传统语法,故该句所用There be句型中,应遵循就近原则,即be动词接green grass时用is.美式英语:B.are 解释:美式英语是现代语法,现代美国人主要讲究口语,故该句中,There be表示一种状态,后接了名词的复数形式,并且还用了and这种连词,所以你说There are green ...


欧变17342719076: there are a lot of grass in the garden there is a lot of grass in the garden 哪个对 - 作业帮
宜君县苏翰::[答案] 应该是IS,.A LOT OF 可以修饰可数和不可数,但是此处GRASS是不可数,因此THERE BE 句型中这话应该为there is a lot of grass in the garden

欧变17342719076: There is - ----sheep eating grass there.解释句意并说明理由 -
宜君县苏翰:: A 翻译:有一个只小羊在那吃草.解析:sheep 是可数名词,单复数一致.前面使用了is,所以sheep用的是单数,CD修饰的都是可数名词复数,排除.B 修饰不可数名词,排除 A a little 这里不是【有点】的意思,而是【一只小的】修饰sheep ,little 小的,很少的.如有疑问,请追问.无疑后请采纳.书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟.-----------与君共勉-----------

欧变17342719076: there are a lot of grass in the garden there is a lot of grass in the garden 这两句哪个对 -
宜君县苏翰:: there is a lot of grass in the garden 对 grass是不可数名词

欧变17342719076: There are trees,grass and fiowers - ____.空格里填什么?前一句是:I thought it was very warm.England is very warm beautiful in many photos.完形填空, - 作业帮
宜君县苏翰::[答案] There are trees,grass and flowers everywhere.