
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-26

答:1,只做情态动词:must,can(could),may(might)……2,可做情态动词又可做实义动词:need,dare 3,具有情态动词特征:have(had,has) to,used to 4,情态动词表猜测;一肯一否三不定;must一肯,must not一否,can,could,would三不定。

答:He ought not to(shouldn't)have thrown the old clothes away.他不该把旧衣服扔了。(事实上已经扔了。)4)needn't have+done sth.表示本没有必要做某事,但却做了。例如:I dressed very warmly for the trip,but I needn't have done so.The weather was hot.这次旅行,我穿得衣服较多,...

答:You ought to (should) have been more careful in this experiment. He ought not to have thrown the old clothes away.(事实上已扔了。) ought to 在语气上比should 要强。 4) needn't have done sth 本没必要做某事 I dressed very warmly for the trip, but I needn't have done so. The ...

答:So…try not to fall into the ocean or get run over or anything, all right? (Edward)你可别不高兴,我觉得你似乎就是那种就像磁铁一样,对事故特别有吸引力的人。所以,尽量别掉到海里去了,或者往车轮下面钻什么的,好吗?13. I don’t think a tank could take out that old monster. (Jacob)我估计...

[初二英语月考作文] 八年级下册月考英语作文
答:His ideal school starts at 9 a.m. and finishes at 3 p.m. He can have a lot of time to do after-school activities. Every year he can go on a school trip and likes to put the photos of the trip on the Internet.He has many hobbies. For example, he is crazy about ...

答:show sth. to sb. 展示某物给某人 at the right time 在合适的时间 Ø Water festival How are you getting on with… 你……进展如何 be prepared for 为……作准备 tell sb. to do sth 告诉某人做某事 not only … but also 不仅……还……three forms of water 水的三种形式 kee...

答:e.g.You ought to (should) go and see Mary sometime.你应该什么时候去看看玛丽。The train ought to (should) have arrived at six.火车本应该6点钟到的。 Such things ought not to be allowed.这种事情是不允许的。2.表示出于法令规则、行为准则、道德责任等客观情况而“应该”做某事时,一般应用ought ...

答:And so on. Finally he __6__ that it was not very serious but that I __7__ not to meet other people. I had to stay in bed for two weeks and takes some medicine __8__. It wasn't so bad because my friends came and talked to me __9__ the window. I'm glad my bedroom ...

答:I may / might have left them at the school yesterday. 4. ought to / should have v-ed 和 ought not to / shouldn’t have v-ed ought to / should have v-ed 和 ought not to / shouldn’t have v-ed 用于对已发生的情况表示“责备”、“不满”,分别表示“本应该…”和“本不应该…”。

答:②The problem was if they would attend the conference.问题是他们是否去参加会议。③This is what I had wanted to say.这就是我本来要说的话。④The question was how we could get to the railway station.问题是我们怎样到达火车站。⑤That was why I was so frightened at that time.那...


黎薇13631599969: The school trip is September 11th 的一般疑问句并作否定回答是什么? -
芜湖市梅郑:: Is the school trip September 11th ?No, it isn't.

黎薇13631599969: The trip is so - - - that all of us feel-----. -
芜湖市梅郑:: B,so后面的形容词是修饰trip的,修饰事物用ing形容词;feel后形容词是人感到怎样,修饰人用ed形容词.

黎薇13631599969: 几道选择题.尽可能解释详细些. -
芜湖市梅郑:: 第一题,选B.正如刚有个网友说的,是漏掉了t..mind,delay后面要加动名词,简单总结一下后面必须跟不定式的动词有:afford aim appear agree arrange ask be...