
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-10

用the discovery of 造句
答:The discovery of Columbus was quite an event in the world.哥伦布的发现是世界上的一件大事。

The discovery of new evidence led to the thief being caught._百度...
答:the thief being caught 是动名词的复合结构,做介词to的宾语。正式的结构应该是the thief's being caught。主语:The discovery 谓语:led to 宾语:the thief being caught.【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答。祝你进步。

9. The discovery of new evidence led to __
答:正确答案为D 题目意思是:发现新的证据,导致(致使)小偷被抓住了。Lead to用法 Lead to这个短语有两种解释,一是“通往、通向”:The path led to that villege.第二种解释是“导致”:The leadship of my college close their eyes to waste of water and electricity ,leading the resources ...

The discovery of america was an accident. 翻译一下

the discovery of new oil-fields filled the goverment with...
答:the discovery of new oil-fields filled the goverment with ceaseless hope 意思是:发现新油田不断充满希望与改组 当然是这个

英语作文the discovery of my potential,150词
答:解答 “Our attitude toward life determines life’s attitude towards us.” We’ve all heard about the power of our attitude,and that it’s our attitude that determines how much we succeed in life.“我们对生活的态度决定了生活对我们的态度.” 我们都听说过态度的力量,也知道正是我们的...

The discovery of these tombs is ___ for scholars’ studying the h...
答:C 考查: of + 名词,相当于形容词的用法,of great significance =" very" significant,句意:这些坟墓的发现对研究唐代历史的学者们非常有意义。所以选C。

The discovery of the new drug is of ___great significance to peo...
答:C 1. of + 抽象名词 表特征,性质 这个结构一般不用冠词 再如:The picture is of great beauty.2. heart problems 是名词复数表泛指, 所以也不加冠词 如不明白请追问,如果满意请采纳 手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可, 谢谢!祝学习进步 ...

The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a...
答:选C 我只解释正确选项的原因,因为排除法适合做题,不是严谨的语言逻辑 首先主句是一般过去时(lead-led),fortune 这里表示财富,因为主语不明确,所以采用被动语态,因为在澳大利亚发现金子,所以那里将会创造财富,从句跟随主句过去时,选C was to be made be to do 表示将来 ...

the discovery of new evidence led to A。the thief having been caugh...
答::The discovery of new evidence led to the thief being caught."the thief being caught"合起来做宾语.被动句型being caught作为补语,整句意思是新证据的发现导致了那个贼的被捕。being caught作为thief的补语.(2)第一个选项 A:"the thief having been caught"的"have been"不适合.所以排斥!(3)...


羿安18839436024: The discovery of America was a great event这里的of是什么意思什么用法可不可以写成The discovery America was a great event - 作业帮
平泉县衡具::[答案] The discovery of America was a great event这里的of是什么意思什么用法答:of 表示所属关系,相当于中文的(的);可不可以写成The discovery America was a great event答案:语法上说你这样是不可以的,但是在口语...

羿安18839436024: The discovery of the new drug is - ---great signif -
平泉县衡具:: 应该填of of + 抽象名词 表特征,性质 这个结构一般不用冠词 再如:The picture is of great beauty.这个新药品的发现对人们有重要意义

羿安18839436024: The ()(discover) of oil on their land made the family rich - 作业帮
平泉县衡具::[答案] discovery,用名词形式 discovery [dis'kʌvəri] n.发现,发觉;被发现的事物

羿安18839436024: The discovery of new evidence led to - -----. -
平泉县衡具:: 选C1.根据语法,led to中的to是介词,后面接名词或动名词2.根据意思,应该是已经或正在发生的,所以要用被动 lead to sth.