
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-09

答:那是肯定的英语翻译为:That's for sure。详细解释:1、that's 英 [ðæts] 美 [ðæts]n.说得更精确些,简而言之。例句:That's my wife you were talking to。刚才和你说话的人是我老婆。2、for sure 英 [fɔ: ʃuə] 美 [fɔr...

That's for sure.是什么意思?
答:That's for sure 自然是的,必然的,肯定的,正面的,毫无疑问的。Are you sure (of it)? Are you sure (of it)?你能肯定吗?你能肯定吗?Do you feel sure about it? Do you feel sure about it?你能对这有把握吗?你能对这有把握吗?I am sure (that) he is right. I am sure (...

That is for sure是什么意思
答:That is for sure 翻译为:这是确定的,毫无疑问的 翻译解析 for suread v. 确实;毫无疑问地

that is for sure.是什么意思
答:that is for sure 那是肯定的;那是当然的 例句筛选 1.What can be said for sure is that Mr Bolton is staying true to his ownprinciples.可以肯定的是,波顿将忠实于自己的原则。2.Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one youknow you have for su...

that is for sure翻译
答:that is for sure翻译是: 那是肯定的。1、sure的词语用法。adj. (形容词)。sure表示“无疑的,确信的,有把握的”,指主观上对某事相信无疑,不涉及有无客观根据。在句中作表语。“be sure+不定式”往往表示推测的口气,主语不一定是人,表示“一定会什么的”“必定会什么的”。sure还可表示“...

That is sfor sure是什么意思
答:That is for sure意思为:那是肯定的。可用于对话中,比如 A: 他考试每次考满分,那一定很厉害罗。B: That is for sure。(那是肯定的。)

That is for sure的中文

That is for sure 与That is sure区别
答:for sure: 为副词。的确,可以肯定地说,通常单独存在 sure 为形容词,也可以是副词 For sure, you are very important to your family. 的确,你对你的家人非常重要。Do you go with me?Sure.It is sure that any one must die. 每个人都会死去,这是肯定的。

那是一定的 用英语怎么说
答:那是一定的 英文表达方式有:1、That is certain.[例句]You are not going to flower; that is certain.你不能开花,那是一定的。2.that's a given [例句]Still great-looking: that's a given.看起来仍然很不错那是一定的。3、that's for sure [例句]Lisa: that's for sure. it's ...

答:9、be sure of oneself v. 自信;有自信心 10、make sure of 确定;确保;尽力做到 11、pretty sure 相当肯定 12、that's for sure 那是肯定的 13、be sure to do 一定做某事;确定做 14、dead sure 极之肯定 ; 非常肯定 ; 肯定之极 15、Sure Start 确保开端 ; 确保开端计划 ; 安稳起步...


轩强19723184284: be sure和know for sure 区别 -
固原市袁剂:: be sure of doing:做某事有把握 be sure to do sth:肯定会做某事 因为后面跟的内容不一样. be sure that后面加一句完整的句子.如:i'm sure that simon lives here. simon lives here. 是完整的句子. be sure to do sth. 如:they are sure to be late. be late 是一个动词而不是句子 be sure of+名词 如:we're sure of his innocence. be sure that=be certain that

轩强19723184284: That's for sure. - 作业帮
固原市袁剂::[答案] That's for sure自然是的,必然的,肯定的,正面的,毫无疑问的.Are you sure (of it)?Are you sure (of it)?你能肯定吗?你能肯定吗?Do you feel sure about it?Do you feel sure about it?你能对这有把握吗?你能对这有...

轩强19723184284: That's for sure 翻译成汉语 -
固原市袁剂:: 意思是:这是肯定的