
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-04

...role,and there are few occasions ___ members ar...
答:C 试题分析:when引导的定语从句修饰occasions。occasion意为“时刻,……的时候”,关系副词在定语从句中作时间状语。点评:定语从句(Attributive Clauses)在句中做定语,修饰一个名词或代词,被修饰的名词,词组或代词即先行词。定语从句通常出现在先行词之后,由关系词(关系代词或关系副词)引出。解...

what are the characteristics of a good team
答:-Everyone takes initiative to get things done.-Each teammate trusts the judgement of the others.-The team is willing to take risks.-Everyone is supportive of the project and of others.-There is plenty of communication between team members.-Team decisions are made using organized, ...

...teamspirit but there are a few occasions___members are...
答:答案A 先行词occasion意思为 “场合;时刻”,表示时间,且从句中不缺主语和宾语,故此处用when引导定语从句,when在从句中作状语。

答:Naruto is part of a three-man team - the members are Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and their instructor, Kakashi. Together, they will face many challenges, make friends, face deadly enemies, and try to survive each other.火影忍者讲的是旋涡鸣人的故事. 鸣人是一个想成为火影的孩子. 但是...

英语you are the football team。对吗
答:不正确。正确的句子是:You are in the football team. 翻译:你在这个足球队。重点词汇解释 football 英 ['fʊtbɔːl] 美 ['fʊtbɔːl]n. <英>足球;<美>橄榄球 The local schools formed a football league.当地几所学校组建了足球联合会。用法 n. (...

...role,and there are few occasions ___ members ar..
答:C 试题分析:考查定语从句。occasion后面的定语从句意思完整,不缺少成分,所以用关系副词when,相当于on which,故答案选C。句意:在一个体育队中,每个运动员都有明确的角色分工,很少有队员困惑或者不确定自己角色的时候。

...We still enjoy it.You see,all the members are getting alone quite...
答:weak; team 如果你输掉了?我们仍然享受这个过程。你看到了,所有成员单独行动时都力量很弱,这样我们才知道团队是多么重要。

...Team Peter,Jack,Sam and John are members of the School Basketba...
答:学校篮球队 彼得,杰克,山姆和约翰是学校篮球队成员。这是在我们的城市最受欢迎的球队之一。他们要对第9中学篮球队播放从另一个城市。让我介绍的四名成员:彼得是最高的。他能跳的最高的。他可以把篮子里扔球容易。三是最薄的,但他跑得最快。这四个男孩都不错的球员,但杰克是最好的。在过去...

...most of m___ the in the basketball team are all good at playi...
答:I think most of the (members) in the basketball team are all good at playing basketball 我认为大多数的篮球队成员(运动员)都擅长打篮球。

答:tfboys is a boy band consisting of 3 teenage boys who are around 14 years old,the members are Wang Junkai,Wang Yuan and Yi Yang Qian Xi.I am a fan of the band,I find their songs really nice and their performance amazing.tfboys have many fans not only in Mainland China,...


弘诞17081136789: 团队成员的英文 -
梁园区祝晓:: the team menmbers

弘诞17081136789: 用英语介绍你所在小组成员饮食喜好 -
梁园区祝晓:: 所在小组成员饮食喜好 Team member's diet preferences

弘诞17081136789: team work前用加定冠词吗?谢谢 -
梁园区祝晓:: 最好用一个单词teamwork 而不是team work 单独使用可以不用冠词,但修饰其他名词比如spirit就需要定冠词了.

弘诞17081136789: 我们的团队由15个成员组成 英文 用consist of -
梁园区祝晓:: Our team consists of fifteen members. 我们的团队由15个成员组成