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take after是什么意思
答:take after [英][teik ˈɑ:ftə][美][tek ˈæftɚ]长得像,性格类似于,效仿;以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.You really take after your mother.你长得真像你母亲。

take after和look after的区别和用法
答:当我们讨论“take after”和“look after”这两个短语时,它们的意思和用法是不同的。“Take after”意为“像某人”,通常用于描述某人的外貌、性格或行为方式。例如,“John takes after his father in terms of his love for music”(约翰在音乐方面像他的父亲)。“Look after”意为“照顾”,...

请告诉我take after的意思
答:意思:照顾,长得像,性格类似于,效仿 例句:He and his wife are always fighting about who will take after the children.他与他妻子总是在为由谁来照看孩子而吵架。My daughter does not take after me in any way.我女儿一点也不象我。He is going to take after his brother and join t...

take after什么意思

take after和look after的区别是什么
答:"Take after" 意为“像某人”,通常用于描述一个人的外貌、性格或行为方式与他们的亲戚或父母相似的情况。例如:She takes after her mother in terms of looks.He takes after his grandfather in his love for sports."Look after" 意为“照顾、照料”,通常用于描述关心和照顾别人的行为。例如:C...

take after 是什么意思?
答:照顾的意思 The girl spent all her spare time to take after her invalid mother.这个女孩把她所有的业余时间都用来照顾长期生病的母亲。

look after 和 take after for
答:答案:B take after长得像;look after照顾,照料;look for寻找;根据句子中划线短语为take care of,其意义为"照顾",可以和同义短语look after互换,此句意为:我需要在周末照顾我的小弟弟.故选B

take after和look like的区别
答:take after和look like 是一对近义词组,它们的区别是:1.take after意为“长得像,行为、性格等像”,尤其是像自己的长辈,可解释为be similar to.如:Mary really takes after her mother.玛丽的确长得像她的妈妈.2.look like可以用于所有场合,既可指人也可指物,只指外表看上去像.如:The man ...

take after , take off ,take out ,take place 各是什么意思
答:take after 是相像的意思,包括长相和性格。 He takes after his father.take off 脱下(衣服),及物; 或(飞机)起飞,不及物 take out 取出,拿出= bring out Take out your人book take place 发生 不及物

take after是什么意思
答:网络释义:与相像、仿效、相像、像 短语 Take care after 以后多多关照 take take after 像 take perfect after 像 Take photo after performance 演出后合影 Take Lessons After School 补习 Take shower after football 踢远淋浴 take e after在性格或长相方面与父母相象 ; 与相像 take out after ...


利绍13334168462: look after 与take care of的区别
莱芜市尉绍:: go through.一般从空间穿过 across从平面穿过 take care of作“照顾、照料”解,相当于look after. 如: ① I believe that neighbors can take care of your son while you are out. 相信我外出期间我的邻居们会照顾我的儿子的. ② The boy is very ...

利绍13334168462: see watch look look after take care of 什么意思 它们区别是什么 又 -
莱芜市尉绍:: see watch look 都是看的意思. see强调看到的结果,如can you see the apple on the desk? watch强调注视.如,watch TV look就是普通的看,是不及物动词,后面跟不能直接跟名词,look at sth. look after = take care of 都是照顾的意思.

利绍13334168462: 那take care of又等于什么? -
莱芜市尉绍:: take care of=look after 照顾...

利绍13334168462: take care of的用法把某人照顾得很好,怎么说,是take good care of ,还是take well care of .care 在这里是作为名词,还是动词啊?另外,对应的look after 用... - 作业帮
莱芜市尉绍::[答案] 我知道 take good care of 是可以的`take well care of 没有听说过 可能不行care应该是名词吧`因为 如果是动词 就直接用care了 不用再加"take"了"take good care of "里 good是修饰care的嘛~那形容词又怎么会修饰动...