
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-30

答:Suppose Professor Smith asked you to plan a debate on the theme of city traffic. Write him an email to 1) suggest a specific topic with your reasons, and 2) tell him about your arrangements.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Don’t use your own name....

答:suggest的词语用法是v.(动词)suggest的基本意思是“建议”“提议”,还可表示“暗示,表明”“使想起”等。一、详尽释义点此查看suggest的详细内容v.(动词)表明暗示建议,提议启发,使人想起, 使人联想到,提示,启示绕着弯儿讲提醒,指点透露认为,以为看出显示出,演示了推荐提出,要求促进,促成二、双解释义v.(动词)vt...

答:The burden of students has been a hot topic for many years, but the load of parents has received little attention ,especially from their own children . The picture shows us a touching moment when a little es to greet her working mother . Realizing that her mother must be very tired after...

答:回答:王应宽Wang Yingkuan2011-07-23Beijing, China因为同时在运作3本国际英文刊(IJABE, IAEJ, CIGR Journal),论文同行评审的专家来自世界各地。每次收到的评审意见千差万别,而且不同国家或地区的专家的评审意见呈现一定的规律性,随即不由得做些比较。比较得出的基本结论是:欧美国家专家的评审意见...

答:他们互相帮助,始终如一。实际上,共同学习的基础就是学生学习动力的关键。共同学习和学习动力之间存在着一种紧密的因果关系。很多研究人员认为共同学习有助于提高学生的学习成绩、认知能力、学习动力、学习态度、竞争能力和人际交往能力。(Nastasi&Clements,1 99 1).群体调查是一个例证。学生会经历社会助长...

求 英语 topic 范文 10 篇
答:For this reason, they suggest that teachers be paid according to how much their students learn. In my opinion, this is not a good idea for the following reasons. First, although a teacher can have a great influence on students, he is not the sole determiner of the students’ success. ...

答:Cited References to follow up on (cite those obviously related to your topic AND any papers frequently cited by others because those works may well prove to be essential as you develop your own work):   Other Comments: 编译于:Mary Purugganan. How to Read a Scientific Article 已赞...

答:suggest v.提议;建议take an interest in 对...感兴趣besides prep.而且;除...之外make friends with 与...交友statement n.声明;陈述drive v.开车;驾驶Vera 维拉amusement;消遣neither pron.(二者)都不have a great time 玩的愉快Disneyland 迪斯尼乐园Mickey Mouse 米老鼠Donald Duck 唐老鸭character ...

答:- We suggest conducting a survey to gather more information on this topic.而在口语和日常生活中,人们更加常用的是 "suggest doing" 的简略形式 "suggest doing" 或者直接使用动词 "suggest"。比如,你和朋友聊天,建议他们一起去看电影,你可以使用:- I suggest going to the movies with you....

答:If rural dwellers could obtain a specific skill or a certain academic qualification, they would be more professionally competent and employable. Furthermore, legislation and regulation are also required to fight against conduct related to discrimination and violence. 重点表达 living standard 生活水平 a ...


干虽13697733497: suggest的用法
南澳县那显:: 1:suggest sth建议某事 2:suggest doing sth 建议做某事 3:suggest that sb (should )do sth 这里为虚拟语气.翻译为:建议某人做某事 4:suggest that sb +对应的时态 翻译为:暗示某人做..

干虽13697733497: 谁能帮我讲一下虚拟语气的简单用法.我们现在学suggest,我想
南澳县那显:: 虚拟语气用来表示对某种与事实相反或难以实现的情况的假设或说话人的主观愿望.... command,decide,demand,desire,prefer,propose,request,suggest等. 3)在It is a pity/...

干虽13697733497: 求suggest sth / sb to sb的翻译和例句 -
南澳县那显:: 翻译如下 suggest sth / sb to sb 向某人推荐某物/某人 例句 Could you suggest someone to advise me how to do this? 这该怎么办?你能不能推荐一个人帮我出个主意? I suggest you ask him some specific questions about his past 我建议你问他一些有关他的过去的具体问题.