
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05

答:make great efforts process a few although our country does not belong to the developed country now,we are sure to keep a foothold on the world , become and the developed country part, this is that i need to sing the praises of and is that makes great efforts.i love me goin...

答:【拼音程式码】: ggsd 【近义词】: 交口称誉、有口皆碑、树碑立传 【反义词】: 怨声载道 【用法】: 作谓语、宾语、定语;指赞扬人 【英文】: sing the praises of somebody 成语玩命猜人字五线谱音乐音符打一成语 曲终人散 发音qǔ zhōng rén sàn 释义鼓瑟之人一曲演罢,... do, come to Nashville. It’s the home of American cou.._百...
答:by famous singers 可知 C 正确;因此答案为 D。也可根据文章最后一句They often sing in praises of heroism and true love 得到答案。4. D 主旨大意题。文章首段点明乡村音乐的发源地,然后介绍其流行性,文章末段说明乡村音乐描述的不同的主题。因此可推知本文主要是写乡村音乐,故答案为 D。

答:1. [magnify;sing in praises of]∶歌咏、颂扬[某一事物]歌颂好人好事 自古以来,多少人就歌颂过它,赞美过它,把它作为崇高的品质常象征。——《松树的风格》2. [chant]∶以歌曲或诵唱来颂扬或赞颂 歌颂劳模 详细解释 1. 歌唱《颂》诗。《左传·襄公二十九年》:“为之歌《颂》,曰:‘至矣哉...

答:the European democracy and the national consciousness is increasingly emerging at this time. His work is a reflection of the characteristics of these times, or sing the praises of heroes, or against feudalism, strive for freedom and democracy and a better future. The main works includ...

Hurricane Chris Featuring Bobby V.的《Last Call》 歌词
答:Church bells and now I'm awake and I guess it must be some kind of holiday I can't seen to join in the celebration But I'll go to the service And I'll go to pray And I'll sing the praises of my maker's name Like I was as good as she made me And I wanted ...

答:sang sang 英 [sæŋ] 美 [sæŋ]v.唱(歌);演唱;鸣;啼;啼啭;呜呜作响;发嗖嗖声 例句:He sang 'My Funny Valentine' to a piano accompaniment.他在钢琴的伴奏下演唱了《我可爱的情人》。sing 英 [sɪŋ] 美 [sɪŋ]v.唱(歌);演唱...

以Let's sing red songs为题写七十字英语作文
答:it can promote our love for motherland to To enhance the national strength.finally ,our shool will be more harmful by singing the praises of our Party.I am inclined to believe we can benefit from the singing red songs ,as long as we take an active part in the activity ....


益裘15325779518: “人们高度赞扬了这些警察”用英语怎么说 -
濉溪县越黎:: people sang the police praises.sing sb. praises.高度赞扬,至于要不要the就要看上下文,如果上下问就没有the,没有特指嘛``` police好像是pl,复数名词,policeman好像指男警察,这里又没有说男女~~~~ 还有speak highly of 也是高度赞扬```也行吧.

益裘15325779518: sing to the music 造句 -
濉溪县越黎:: 例句:1.She could sweep the sounding chords of the guitar, and sing to the music, not always Danish melodies, but the songs of a strange land.她可以扫测音的吉他,唱的音乐,并不总是丹麦的旋律,但歌曲的一个奇怪的土地.2.That's all for ...

益裘15325779518: 问一个英语题:sing( )songs -
濉溪县越黎:: 选B alive是表语形容词 不能修饰名词 只能这么用 I'm alive.这跟 awake,alone的用法一样 而lively是一般的形容词,意思是欢快的,有生机的,虽然是ly结尾,但它跟friendly一样,是形容词.一般的形容词既可以修饰名词,也可与放在系动词am is are后面做表语

益裘15325779518: 帮忙翻译 , 谢谢了
濉溪县越黎:: I praise their dedication of nurses is a ray of warmth, a love, a drop of sweat, a truth; their dedication to youth is the most valuable in return for the well-being and health of thousands of households owner's serene; Nyan Tin Nagel will never eliminate ...

益裘15325779518: 英文字母''sing”是什么意思? -
濉溪县越黎:: sing 不及物动词 vi. 1.唱,唱歌 She sang to the guitar. 她和着吉他歌唱. 2.(鸟、虫等)鸣,鸣叫3.(风等)呼号;(水壶、小河等)呜呜作声;(耳)鸣 My ears are singing. 我有点耳鸣. The kettle was singing on the fire. 水壶在炉火上嘘嘘作...