
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02

答:E-commerce n.电子商业;电子贸易 keep in touch with... 与……保持联系 necessity n.必需品;需要;必要(性) crowded adj.拥挤的;装满的;密集的 goods n.商品;货物 mall n.步行街; 室内购物中心 purchase n.购买;购置物 vt.购买;购置 tiny adj.极小的;微小的 chip n.芯片;微小的 东西;集成电路片 ...

答:E-commerce n.电子商业;电子贸易keep in touch with... 与……保持联系necessity n.必需品;需要;必要(性)crowded adj.拥挤的;装满的;密集的goods n.商品;货物mall n.步行街; 室内购物中心purchase n.购买;购置物 vt.购买;购置tiny adj.极小的;微小的chip n.芯片;微小的 东西;集成电路片cash n.现金;...

答:the countries of the electronic commerce constant improvement and perfection, e-commerce has become a 21 century one of the symbols of the advanced productive forces. And in our country, the computer and popularization of the network technology and development, electronic commerce rapid ri...

答:With the overall popularity of the Internet, the logistics industry's business have emerged. In recent years, it has achieved great development and became a new business model with a promising future. Of all the e-commerce models, C2C development is fastest and accepted by the ...

答:With the change of people's shopping idea, the environment of on-line shopping has grown more matured. On-line shopping, as one mode of E-commerce, is accepted by more customers, espcially by the young. After less than 6 years since its establishment, Taobao, now occupies 85%...

答:of global communication technology, the increasing popularity of Web applications, e-commerce has gradually been shifted from the transactions areas of tangible merchandise into the transaction field of intangible goods ,such as securities. E-Securities commerce is the most promising area ...

答:E-commerce infrastructure will increasingly perfect gradually tends to regulate, supporting environment for enterprise development, further expand the depth of e-commerce, personal participation in the depth of the electronic commerce will be expanding. Multimedia communication network, the image ...

答:电子商务发展到今天,网站已经成为吸引眼球、最有发展前景的因素。The website has become a factor with bright future and eye-catching with the development of e-business.未来的商业竞争是电子商务的竞争,为了了解现在中国电子商务网站的概况,通过网上实际购物和查阅相关资料,中国电子商务网站正处于...

答:A great difference existing between the e-commerce and traditional business methods is that both parties do not meet each other, the virtual of trading is very strong, and all of these requires a good general social credit environment, also the concept of credit consume should be on...

答:Many additional considerations lie in the nature of tradeoffs between land, sea and air options building on shared information and e-commerce flexibility.许多其它额外考虑的问题,其本质在于对那些依赖于信息共享与电子商务灵活性的陆地、海洋、空气的可选项进行平衡折中 Overall we feel that the ...


敖邢13839434735: 求以ing为结尾的特殊形容词,例如promising,neighbouring一类,太简单的不要(interesting)越全越好. - 作业帮
友好区晋叔::[答案] increasing,outstanding,prevailing,hard-working,flaming,growing,rewarding,

敖邢13839434735: promising怎么读音记住 -
友好区晋叔:: 你好!promising 英[ˈprɒmɪsɪŋ] 美[ˈprɑ:mɪsɪŋ] adj. 有前途的; 有为; 有希望的; 光明; [例句]The most promising students will go on to college.最有前途的学生将会考进大学.

敖邢13839434735: promise的用法 -
友好区晋叔:: n. 诺言,约定,希望 v. 允诺,约定,预示 [ 名词promiser ] [ 过去式promised 过去分词promised 现在分词promising 第三人称单数promises ] 例句与用法 1. John promises well as an actor. 约翰有希望成为演员. 2. I promise to return your bicycle ...