
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02

答:philosophy的形容词为:philosophical 意思:哲学;哲学体系;思想体系;人生哲学;生活的信条(或态度)noun.1.[U] 哲学the study of the nature and meaning of the universe and of human life moral philosophy 伦理学 the philosophy of science,科学原理 a professor of philosophy 哲学教授 a degree i...

philosopher ; philosophy; philosophical 这英语怎么读?
答:philosophical 英音: [filə'sɔfikl]   美音: [filə'sɔfikl]adj.1. 哲学的,冷静的,哲学上的 2. 达观的,看得开的

答:形容词形式为Philosophical.哲学的;达观的,处乱不惊的。Philosophy.n. 哲学;哲学体系,思想体系;人生哲学,生活(工作)准则;(某一知识或经验领域的)理论基础研究,基本原理。

答:哲理故事 philosophical story ;工程哲理 engineering philosophy 哲理美 philosophical aesthetics ; philosophy beauty 生存哲理 living phclosophy 哲理剧 philosophical play ;哲理寓意 Philosophy moral ;哲理精神 philosophical spirits 关于哲理的相关单词 Philosophicalphilosophy 关于哲理的相关例句 1. He added ...

philosophical observation 和 philosophy 含义有什么区别?(英语语法...
答:philosophical是一个形容词 哲学的 philosophy是一个名词 哲学

答:哲学语法 {语} philosophical grammar;哲学原理 metaphysics 关于哲学的相关单词 Philosophie philosophy 关于哲学的相关短句或解释 sb.'s philosophy of living;处世哲学 classical philosophy;古典哲学 Marxist philosophy of dialectical materialism;马克思主义的辩证唯物主义哲学 a middle-of-the-road philosophy...

答:philosophical 哲学的、达观的;philology 语言学、文献学;philosophers 先哲。 三、philosopher词语来源: 直接源自古英语的philosophe;最初源自拉丁语的philosophus,意为哲学家。 四、词汇搭配: 1、形容词+philosopher:moral philosopher伦理学家;natural philosopher自然哲学家,物理学家。 2、介词+philosopher:take things...

答:Meta-philosophy, the "philosophy of philosophy", studies the nature of philosophical problems, philosophical solutions, and the proper method for getting from one to the other. These debates are not less relevant to philosophy as a whole, since the nature and role of philosophy itself has always...

What is philosophy
答:A system of philosophical inquiry or demonstration.哲学体系:哲学上探求与证实的体系 Inquiry into the nature of things based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods.自然科学:基于逻辑推理而不是凭经验得来的方法来探究事物的本质 The critique and analysis of fundamental beliefs as ...

What I thought was a fact packed lecture翻译
答:这是一个陈述句。began后面跟着的是一个由what引导的宾语从句,what在从句中做thought的宾语。fact-packed,这是一个复合而成的形容词,仅仅从字面意来看,就是"包含有真相、真理的",也就是“具有真知灼见的”这样的意思。【2】 I described the entire philosophical framework of Western thought and...


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叶城县缪委::[答案] Enjoy~ René Descartes (1596-1650) is one of the most important Western philosophers of the past few centuries.During his ... his philosophy refused to accept the Aristotelian and Scholastic traditions that had dominated philosophical thought throughout ...

薛度19169319011: wax philosophical 是什么意思? -
叶城县缪委:: wax 在辞源中有“变”的意思.因此,wax philosophical 的意思是 “变得越来越富有哲学性了“. 是个形容词.

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叶城县缪委:: 哲学中心的凝视

薛度19169319011: philosophical transactions是什么意思 -
叶城县缪委:: philosophical transactions哲学汇刊双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 哲学会刊例句:1.The 21 papers published today in a special open access edition of the philosophicaltransactions of the are part of a uk government foresight ...