
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-04



people in need=难民?还有其他诗意解释吗的吗?
答:in need是介宾结构,在这里是作定语修饰people,意思是需要帮助的人。in need很常用,如:A friend in need is a friend indeed.希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。

英语中people in need中的in一般有什么成分?
答:1.一般是方式状语 2.在这里是和need一起作后置定语

someone in need和people in need相等吗?为啥
答:不能完全相等。someone in need是指“处于困境中的某人”,其中的someone是单数概念,而people in need“处于困境中的人们”中的people明显是复数概念。

需要帮助的人的英语是 the people in need还是people in need?_百度知...
答:The people in need…help 1.I promised to help the people in need of help.我答应帮助那些需要帮助的人们。2.Such fragile the life is , please cherish peace and life, offer love to the people in need of help.我认为黑 人们不愿意照顾被感染的人,而爱滋病感染者需要帮助、爱和照料...

这道题太难了 哪位高手能讲解一下吗?
答:( ) people in need in need:是people的后置定语 when he is free:时间状语从句 由成分分析可以知道,主句成分齐全,从句成分齐全。只剩下( ) people in need,所以可以判断句子是不缺主谓宾这些主干的,结合选项可发现都是动词,这时候我们可以考虑到非谓语动词的语法啦。选项有;B...

People in need is people indeed是什么意思?

答:我们应该帮助有困难的人英语翻译为:We should help people in need.相同表达:We should provide help to people.We should help the people who are in trouble.We should help people who have difficulty.We should help people with difficulties.帮助相关重点词组及类似表达:in need of help ...

答:"A feeling" 指的是一种感知或者主观体验,这种感知可以是指在帮助别人时产生的快乐、满足、自豪感等。"Of their helping people in need" 指的是这种感知是通过帮助有需要的人而产生的。因此,表达 "A feeling of their helping people in need" 的意思是指帮助有需要的人产生的一种感觉。


通峰13630474682: you have 什么people in need on the news after a flood,an earthquake,or什么disaters 希望大家可以帮我把这篇完形填空找全文章,谢谢棒棒忙,谢谢啦 - 作业帮
榆林市荆育::[答案] Relationship between storage conditions, pathogen contenta of the urinemixture and recommended crop for larger systemsb. It is assumed that the urinemixture has at least pH 8.8 and a nitrogen concentr...

通峰13630474682: I'll vote to Millie because she helps people in need 改错 - 作业帮
榆林市荆育::[答案] to 改为 for vote for sb:是投票选举某人;投票赞成某人 是固定搭配 翻译: 我选米莉因为她总是帮助在困境中的人 in need:在困难中的;处于困境中的

通峰13630474682: Millie is always willing to help people in need 同义句
榆林市荆育:: Millie is_ _ _ people in need _ _ _ Millie is eager to help people in need all the time. = Millie is always willing to help people in need