
来源:kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-26

答:The materials of which volcanic rocks on oceanic islands and midocean ridges are composed are typical of the layers from which they are thought to originate.析:主干为The materials...are typical of the layers...主系表结构;of which引导限制性定语从句(volcanic rocks on oceanic islands...

答:这些词和短语看起来很普通,但是仔细研究你就会发现它们古老的起源。老实说:一些英语表达很奇怪…同时引起了许多问题。很多说法的起源都较近,但是有趣的是,许多俚语单词和短语都可以追溯至很远。这里将列出7个可以追溯至古英语的短语:,1. Decked Out,盛装,光彩照人,This monly used phrase stems ...

翻译这一习俗源于唐朝用(originate from)
答:The custom/tradition originated from Tang Dynasty.

in turn和by turns的区别
答:6、All theories originate from practice and in turn serve practice.任何理论都来源于实践,反过来为实践服务。二、by turns的中文释义及双语例句 by turns意为时而,间或,表示两种感情或品质的交替。例句有:1、The book is, by turns, funny and very sad.这部书时而妙趣横生,时而悲悲戚戚。2、...

in turn 什么意思?
答:in turn: as a result of something 导致。。。结果。in turn,forcing the race to an end before June 3,结果迫使初选在六月3日前结束。example #1 Interest rates were cut and, in turn, share prices rose.example #2 Interest rates were cut and, in turn, the rate of inflation ...

the form of music which did not originate。。。翻译
答:The one form of music which did not originate in Europe and which is popular today worldwide is Jazz.爵士乐,作为一种流行全世界的音乐形式,其发源地并不在欧洲,Jazz was born in New Orleans,the child of the Blacks.而是在美国的新奥尔良,并且是黑人孕育了它。It drew on the rhythms...

河流起源于高原翻译为什么是originate on plateau,而介词却不用in 或...
答:河流起源于高原翻译为什么是originate on plateau,而介词却不用in 或 from,这个是固定搭配啦!


食物与文化 英文版文章的中文翻译
答:中国人和法国人一样,为他们的食品文化而感到骄傲.去品尝一道菜,你最关心什么,营养成分,食物的味道,还是在享受食物时的心情.我认为.中国人在气氛上更加注重.这很容易看出来.仅仅想一下在除夕之夜的晚餐上你都做些什么.人们 说,笑.但很少吃.他们把大部分时间都花在喝酒和敬酒上面.我父亲说他在喝了...

答:中文翻译为原位。比如氯苯,2,6-位叫邻位 ortho,3,5叫间位meta,4叫对位para,那么1-叫什么呢? 叫ipso, 原位。比如三硝基氯苯与醇钠作用氯被乙氧基取代的反应就是ipso substitution.翻译我帮不了你啊,专业不对口~不好意思


胡瑞15285432236: 英语翻译= = -
天河区后凝:: 整句话的意思:之所以被称作英仙座流星雨,是因为大部分的流星似乎都起源于英仙座星座.其中,双竖线里面的句子翻译为【似乎都起源于英仙座星座】

胡瑞15285432236: 始发地的英文怎么说如题说什么jb -
天河区后凝:: originating 可以表示“始发地”的意思 originating 英[ə'rɪdʒɪneɪtɪŋ] 美[ə'rɪdʒɪneɪtɪŋ] v. 起源于,来自,产生( originate的现在分词 ); 创造; 创始; 开创; [例句]It's still not clear to what extent this criticism is originating from within the ruling party 目前仍不清楚这种批评有多少是来自执政党内部. [其他] 原型: originate

胡瑞15285432236: 鲤鱼跳龙门是什么意思?鲤鱼跳龙门是什么意思,发祥是什么意思,繁衍
天河区后凝:: 鲤鱼跳龙门[lǐ yú tiào lóng mén] [解释]古代传说黄河鲤鱼跳过龙门,就会变化成龙.比喻中举、升官等飞黄腾达之事.也比喻逆流前进,奋发向上. 发祥 拼音:fāxiáng英文:originate详细释义基本解释[originate;rise]兴起;发生. 繁衍; fányǎn [increase gradually in number or quantity] 繁殖衍生;逐渐增多. 步履沉重: 形容脚步声很重,比喻前进的阻力大. 履 lǚ :步伐.

胡瑞15285432236: 有没有be originated from这个说法,originate from和be originated from有什么区别? -
天河区后凝:: 貌似没有这种说法. originate 本身就是源于的意思,所以不需要用被动态.比如: These stories originated during earlier times. The book originated as a series of lectures.

胡瑞15285432236: 英语翻译1起源于中国的功夫受到日本人的喜爱.(originate) 2.孩子们每天早上可以喝到新鲜的牛奶.(available) 3.不要吃未经加工处理的鸡肉,要不然你很... - 作业帮
天河区后凝::[答案] A kung fu originated in China by the Japanese favorite .2.The kids can drink fresh milk every morning.3.Do not eat the chicken without the processing,otherwise you are likely infected with avian flu.4.It was not long before he had been trained to focus on ...