
来源:kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-01

Good job是什么意思
答:Good job 干得好 1、You always live in the hope that if you do your job well, justice will prevail.一个人总会抱着这样的希望,只要工作干得好,你是会得到公正对待的。2、We have completed the contract within the letter of the law, although we could do a slightly better job if...

答:相关短语:1、to advantage adv.使优点突出 2、mechanical advantage 机械利益,机械效益 3、tax advantage 有利税率 4、take advantage of 利用 advantage的用法:1、可以用作名词 advantage的基本意思是“有利条件,优势”,指条件、环境、地位等优于他人或其他事物,而不指物质方面的好处,是可数名词。常...

答:This is madness!亚巴顿聚集了所有混乱的军团,你仍然抗拒吗?这太疯狂了!He tried to create an Arab Legion.他曾尝试创立阿拉伯军团。Their motivations for doing so may be legion.这样做的动机可能多种多样。But elsewhere missed opportunities are legion.但是其他地方错过机会的大有人在。


plenty of的近义词组的分类及用法
答:3.Foreign investors see plenty of opportunities.外国投资者看到了大量的机会。4.Experts have plenty of suggestions.专家们提供大量建议。5.3 Plenty of workcompanies and governments are using debt.3业务充裕各大公司及各国政府都在发放债券。6.This bread has plenty of flavour.这面包味道真好。7...

英语作文:20年后的生活 关于写20年后生活的英语作文,不少于60字!急用...
答:Thirdly, I think society will be more diverse and connected in 20 years. We will have more opportunities to interact with people from different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives. We will also have more choices and freedom to express ourselves and pursue our interests. However, ...

答:People who like travelling have their reasons.Most travelersappreciate sightseeing so the sake of relaxation.Some have gottentired of the noise and crowd of urban life,for they are more likelyto prefer peace and closeness to nature.Moreover,touringaround,travelers have many opportunities to learn ex...

答:你我心事重重,找工作寻机遇谈婚姻;人生路长,辗转反侧,只愿你我一切安好! (1) when I was a child, you and I were carefree, playing hide and seek; when I grew up, you and I were full of worries, looking for jobs, looking for opportunities to talk about marriage; life ...

答:1、意思 n.机会( opportunity的名词复数 ); 适当的时机; 条件; 就业(或晋升、进步等)的良机; 机遇;2、读音 英ˌ[ɒpə'tju:nɪtɪs],美[ˌɒpə'tju:nɪtɪs]3、例句The opportunities are there to make a tidy profit.赚大钱...

答:2、相关短语:live wire 活线 ; 火线 ; 带电电线 They Live 极度空间 ; 唱片名 Live art 现场艺术 ; 拉符呃 ; 即场艺术 3、例句:Compared to people living only a few generations ago, we have greater opportunities to have a good time.与生活在仅仅几代之前的人相比,我们有更大的过...


幸蓝18637071349: career opportunities是什么意思 - 作业帮
注根据中发号文及其它相关规定大兴蔺唐::[答案] 就业机会 双语对照 词典结果: Career Opportunities [电影]神采飞扬; 很高兴为您解答 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,

幸蓝18637071349: 讨厌.欺负的近义词是什么
注根据中发号文及其它相关规定大兴蔺唐:: 讨厌 【近义词】 腻烦 厌恶 厌烦 憎恶 欺负 【近义词】欺压、欺侮、剥削

幸蓝18637071349: 琢磨的近义词是什么
注根据中发号文及其它相关规定大兴蔺唐:: 有两层意思. 第一层意思:古代把加工兽骨、象牙、玉、石分别称为切、磋、琢、磨.后以“切磋琢磨”或“切磋”比喻道德学问上的互相研讨、砥砺;知交之于朋友,亦有切磋琢磨之义;故相与议论之间;切磋最为难. 从这层意思来看,琢磨的近义词可以是:切磋. -------有匪君子,如切如磋,如琢如磨.——《诗·卫风·淇奥》 第二层意思:反复思索 、考虑、想.近义词为“斟酌”.