
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-28

答:naturalization ceremony 入籍仪式;归化仪式 例句筛选 1.This past April, we held a naturalization ceremony at the White House formembers of our armed forces.今年4月,我们在白宫为一批美国军人举行了入籍仪式。2.Today , President Bush Attended A Naturalization Ceremony AndDiscussed His Vision ...

答:nationality翻译成中文:民族。双语例句:My nationality is Chinese. 我的国籍是中国。She obtained British nationality through naturalization. 她通过入籍获得了英国国籍。What's your nationality? 你是哪国人?He was born in Japan, but his nationality is Korean. 他出生在日本,但是他的国籍是韩国...

Certificate of naturalization是什么意思?
答:同学你好,很高兴为您解答!Certificate of naturalization,您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:入籍证明。希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

谁能帮我翻译一下 归化 / 异化
答:In English and Chinese, alienation and the content of naturalization Just how wide » Alienation / naturalization translation of the results can not be used to describe the shape and spirit likeness. Alienation and naturalization is a strategy, in practice, the literal translation, ...

答:英寸单位: ins= inches 5.胰岛素:英文名称insulin,是由胰腺β细胞分泌的一种蛋白质激素。胰岛素是机体内唯一降低血糖的激素,同时能促进糖原、脂肪、蛋白质合成。6.移民归化:全称Immigration and Naturalization Service,移民归化局,以前是美国司法部所属的一个政府机构,主管移民事宜,并执行有关法律。

答:the translation also includes specific methods, such as pure-and-free translation of law, reduce, increase, part of speech conversion, and the structural transformation of naturalization law. Finally, in order to achieve the most optimized translation effects, the translator decided to tra...

谁能帮我翻译一下 归化与异化
答:Domestic scholars will naturalization / alienation of the same phenomenon in GE Xiao Qin has been discussed in the article. GE to explore the concept of a premise, that is set aside naturalization / alienation of the current context, and based on the literal meaning. [4] ...

答:1 民族 [mín zú]nation; nationality;例句:1.但这也可能意味着屈服于更极端或更民族主义的意见。But it could mean bending to more extreme or nationalist sentiment.2.这个故事牵涉到一个民族英雄。The story is concerned with a national hero.3.但这种地缘政治民族主义根植于俄罗斯文化中。...

答:THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE 独立宣言 In Congress, July 4, 1776,大陆会议(一七七六年七月四日)THE UNANIMOUS DECLARATION OF THE THIRTEEN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 美利坚合众国十三个州一致通过的宣言 When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve ...

答:The Jinzhou is the Chinese link Bohai Sea area important open city, is situated at Liaoning Province north west, is one has more than 2000 year historical cultural famous cities, is also an element enjoys the great reputation the business strategic place, is one full of vitality, ...


庞泽19844642478: “居留许可”用英语怎么说 -
阳高县符柿:: 爱德华·斯诺登的律师阿纳托利·库切列纳7日证实,斯诺登已经获准继续在俄罗斯居留3年. Former US defense contractor Edward Snowden is seen during an interview with "NBC Nightly News" anchor and managing editor Brian Williams ...

庞泽19844642478: citizenship by naturalization是什么意思 -
阳高县符柿:: citizenship by naturalization [英][ˈsɪtɪzənˌʃɪp bai ˈnætʃərələˈzeɪʃən][美][ˈsɪtɪzənˌʃɪp baɪ ˈnætʃərələˈzeʃən] [法] 因归化而取得的国籍; 望采纳,谢谢

庞泽19844642478: Nationality的中文意思是什么? -
阳高县符柿:: nationality [7nAFE5nAliti] n. 国籍, 国家, 部落, 民族, 民族性 nationality [nAFE5nAlEtI] n. -ties 国籍 Richard is American, John is British — they have different nationalities. 理查德是美国人,约翰是英国人,他们具有不同的国籍. 民族;种族 ...

庞泽19844642478: 请问美国移民局用英语说是什么?
阳高县符柿:: mmigrationandnaturalizationservices原来是美国司法部下面,不过现在这个部门是在美国国土安全部下面了

庞泽19844642478: 荷兰留学签证有哪些不同类型?
阳高县符柿:: 第一类是自费留学生,是现在赴荷兰留学的学生中最多的一种; 第二类是全奖留学生... 由录取你的学校到荷兰移民局(The Immigration and Naturalization Service,简...