
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-29

linda draw more beautifully
答:1.linda sings more beautifully than lily 2.I can draw as well as you

答:beautifully (原级)--more beautifully (比较级)---most beautifully (最高级)祝学习进步,天天快乐!

比较even more的用法
答:你好,even more 后面既可以用形容词,也可以用副词。形容词修饰名词,如:You're even more beautiful than before. 你比以前更漂亮了。副词修饰动词,如:You sing even more beautifully than before. 你比以前唱歌更好听了。但注意,大多数的形容词和副词是不用 more 的,比如,更好是 better,...

i can sing songs more beautifully than others的句子结构是什么_百 ...

答:beautiful的副词是beautifully!beautifully ['bjutɪfli]adv. 漂亮地;美好地 比较级 more beautifully最高级 most beautifully 例句:The book is beautifully printed and artistically bound.这本书印刷精美, 装帧高雅。

语法分析people and objects in this frontier painter's owrks...
答:more + 形容词/副词 + than 的句型是对两件事或两个人的动作性质或性格本质等所做的比较。例如:John is more pompous (or pretentious) than Mike. (约翰比麦可更自负)Calvin writes more beautifully than any other person in his office.(卡尔文写的字比同办公室的其他人都要好)因为 of + ...

答:beautifully 是副词吧。。。形容词才有比较级。beautiful more beautiful (比较级)

用more beautifully造句
答:Jim sings beautifully , Kate sings more beautifully .

答:beautiful的副词是beautifully!beautifully ['bjut?fli]adv. 漂亮地;美好地 比较级 more beautifully最高级 most beautifully 例句:The book is beautifully printed and artistically bound.这本书印刷精美, 装帧高雅。

答:2、Pasta cooked best of all the cooks in the restaurant.Pasta cooked ( better than ) other cooks in the restaurant.3、Adam doesn't jump as far as Dan.Dan jumps ( farther than ) Adam.4、Suzy doesn't dance as beautifully as Susan.Susan dances ( more beautifully) than Suzy...


温慧17663654100: 形容词 或副词的比较级是怎样构成的 -
唐山市亓贴:: 副词的比较级与形容词的比较级构成方法相同,即单音节和部分双音节副词在词尾加“er”、加“est”构成比较级和最高级;多音节副词在副词之前加more和most 构成比较级和最高级;以后缀ly结尾的副词要用more和most. 比如fast – faster– ...

温慧17663654100: the most,most怎么用啊,快 -
唐山市亓贴:: 最高级加the the most beautiful the most 后面加形容词或副词 beautifully 是副词 beautiful 是形容词 要看具体情况来定用什么词

温慧17663654100: 在这个周末,我将会穿得更加漂亮.On the weekend,I will - __ - ___ - ___ - more beautifully. - 作业帮
唐山市亓贴::[答案] On the weekend,I will dress myself up more beautifully

温慧17663654100: 请问这里能用less+beautifully吗? -
唐山市亓贴:: 可以的, 因为是独立的句子.Of the two students, Linda draws more beautifully. 在这两个学生中,琳达画得更漂亮.Of the two students, Linda draws less beautifully. 在这两个学生中,琳达画得比较不太漂亮.

温慧17663654100: if 从句(有副词比较等级) -
唐山市亓贴:: If she had danced more beautifully,I should have married her.要是她舞跳得更好的话,我就和她结婚了.涉及语法:1、虚拟语气,与过去事实相反,从句用过去完成时,主句用过去将来完成时.2、more+多音节副词构成比较级.