
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-01

答:Manufacturing technology is required to become raw material and products used in a series of technical equipment and their customers. Broadly speaking, including design, processing and manufacturing technology, management technology. In contemporary, and computer and information technology as the...

本发明公开了一种制备方法 英语怎么说,谢谢
答:This invention has published a new producing method.(既然是发明,这个方法就是新的方法,需要把隐含的特点翻译出来)

答:科长:section chief 部长:minister 副部长:vice minister 法人代表:corporate representative 总经理:general manager 副总经理:vice general manager 生产技术副部长vice minister of manufacturing technique 模具制造科科长:section chief of die making 品质科科长:section chief of quality 其他的依次类推...

答:生产工艺:manufacturing technique 生产中心:production center 原料储存:raw material storage 储运处:warehousing and transportation division 设备处:facility division 调度计划:dispatching plan 品质部:quality department 各生产分厂:each production branch factory 各生产班组:each production team 储运处:warehousing and ...

答:制药工程专业的英文:Pharmaceutical engineering engineering 读法 英 [endʒɪ'nɪərɪŋ] 美 ['ɛndʒə'nɪrɪŋ]1、n. 工程,工程学 2、v. 设计;管理(engineer的ing形式);建造 例句 1、That bridge was a miracle ...

答:挤出发泡聚苯乙烯防水隔板工艺及车间设计 The Process and Workshop Design of Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) Waterproof Baffle Plate 摘要Abstract 挤塑聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料(XPS)是以聚苯乙烯树脂或其共聚物为主要成份,添加发泡剂和相关助剂,通过加热挤塑而制得的具有闭孔结构的硬质泡沫塑料。它在世界上得到了...

求高手在线翻译成英文“专利产品 引领国内外供水胶囊新技术 全新的生产...
答:Patent products lead the production process at home and abroad water capsule new technology new first at home and abroad 百度有翻译系统,直接将字、词、或句子输入即可翻译。

汉译英,我不太懂。 谁给做下?
答:Along with manufacturing technique and control to technically progress unremittingly, the request of people to the manufacturing and the control automation is more and more high, but many in the last years assembles be the end a work preface of manufacturing industries, still keep being...

答:机械制造技术Machinery Manufacturing Technology 机电信息检测与处理技术News detection and processing technology 机电系统计算机控制Computer-controlled electromechanical system 控制工程基础Control Engineering Fundamentals 流体力学与流体传动Transmission fluid mechanics and fluid 微机原理Computer Principle 仅供参考:...

答:Summary Product design and manufacturing enterprises in the manufacturing process, computer simulation has been an indispensable tool in the reduction of losses, savings, shortened development cycles, improving product quality, and played a huge role. Manufacturing competition is increasingly ...


辕卷15983476524: manufacturing date 12/01/2013 什么意思 -
荔波县龙狡:: 其实这题得看生产地在哪里,用的是美式还是英式英文,美国产品日期标法 月/日/年,欧洲和英国是 日/月/年,所以这题生产(制造)日期可能是2013年1月12日,(欧洲产地),或2013年12月一日(美国产地).

辕卷15983476524: manufacturing DST和DLG是什麽意思 -
荔波县龙狡:: Daylight Saving Time(夏令时),又称“日光节约时制”或“夏时制”,是一种为节约能源而人为规定地方时间的制度,在这一制度实行期间所采用的统一时间称为“夏令时间”.一般在天亮早的夏季人为将时间提前一小时,可以使人早起早睡,减少照明量,以充分利用光照资源,从而节约照明用电.各个采纳夏令时的国家具体规定不同.目前全世界有近110个国家每年要实行夏令时.(各时区多数位于其理想边界之西,导致实际上全年实施夏令时.) 数字线划地图(DLG, Digital Line Graphic):是与现有线划基本一致的各地图要素的矢量 数据集,且保存各要素间的空间关系和相关的属性信息.

辕卷15983476524: Manufacturing site是什么意思 -
荔波县龙狡:: Manufacturing site 制造现场

辕卷15983476524: 当电脑一开机出现了MANUFACTURING MODE: LEVEL该怎么解决 -
荔波县龙狡:: 按FN+X 就解决了所有的问题 呵呵

辕卷15983476524: manufacturing是什么意思 -
荔波县龙狡:: manufacturing 英[ˌmænjuˈfæktʃərɪŋ] 美[ˌmænjəˈfæktʃərɪŋ] n. 制造业,工业; adj. 制造业的,制造的; v. 加工; (大规模) 制造( manufacture的现在分词 ); 捏造; 粗制滥造(文学作品); [例句]Manufacturing glitches have limited the factory's output.生产中的故障影响了该厂的产量.[其他] 原型: manufacture 【T,SDM】