
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-26

make it possible造句
答:1. Spaceships make it possible to travel to the moon.宇宙飞船使去月球旅行成为可能.12 来自辞典例句 2. UD elements make it possible to correct aberrations whilst maintaining low weight.UD的元素有可能纠正色差,同时保持低体重.15 来自互联网 3. Higher market prices make it possible to re...

make it possible造句
答:make it possible的相关例句 1.Spaceships make it possible to travel to the moon.宇宙飞船使去月球旅行成为可能.12 来自辞典例句2.UD elements make it possible to correct aberrations whilst maintaining low ...

make it possible for sb. to do 什么意思
答:这句话的意思是使某人做某事成为可能。也可以用it is possible for sb. to do sth来表达相同的意思。例句:I can make it possible for you to achieve your dream.翻译:我能让你梦想成真。

答:使做某事成为可能,英语是:Make it possible to do sth.例句:I want to make it possible to be a good man.我成为一个好人是可能的。详细解释:make 英[meɪk] 美[mek]vt. 做,制造; 生产,制定; 使成为; 使产生;vi. 开始; 尝试; 行进; 增大;n. 制造; 生产量...

用make it possible for sb to do sth这些词造句并翻译所造句子
答:Chinese help makes it possible for me to believe that the Malasia lost plane will be found soon.有了中国的帮助使我相信马来西亚失事飞机很快就会找到是大有可能的。相信我,本人英语教师!

make it possible by doing sth造句
答:China ecomomy made it possible to grow at a considerable speed by undertaking the reform and opening up policy.The reform and opening up policy undertaken by Chinese government made a contribution to the high-speed growth of China's ecomomy.There are numerous brave warriors protecting...

1、make it possible for sb to do sth 2、make a diff
答:1、His help make it possible for me to finish the work on time.他的帮助使我按时完成工作成为可能。2、His work has made a difference.他的工作起了作用。3、I like playing。我喜欢玩。4、He was excited about having a chance to Beijing.她为能有机会去北京感到兴奋。differenee应该是...

答:This has worked a change in his living habits.这引起了他生活习惯的变化。你第一个词组是错误的吧,哪有这样说的 .One team has already built up a commanding lead.有一个队已经遥遥领先。Everything in the world is built up from atoms.世界上一切物质都是由原子构成的。

答:Let's do the job now and get it over.咱们现在就干这事, 并且把它干完。They got the work over as quickly as possible.他们尽快地结束了工作。4.走完 They only managed to get over ten kilometers.他们只走完十公里路。5.克服; 克制 We had to get over many difficulties.我们必须...

make it+形容词+ for sb.+ to do sth.造句有哪些?
答:make it very easy for us to face this questions.make it difficult for the old to climb the top of mountain.make it boring for me to go shopping with my mum.make it exciting for me to watch this action movie.make it possible for people who fall into economic crisis to make...


端盲17112254633: make sth.还能加上什么? -
延寿县蓬欣:: make sth后面不是只能加形容词. 1、常用结构为make +名词短语+形容词 The news made him very happy. 这个消息使他很开心 2、常用结构 make +名词短语+省to不定式,但make若用了被动语态,不定式则必须带to. She must be made to ...

端盲17112254633: make it possible是什么意思 -
延寿县蓬欣:: make it possible 使它变成可能; 例句: 1. Inexpensive chip-reading tools make it possible to reverse-engineer almost anything. 便宜的芯片读取工具使对任何东西反向工程都成为可能. 2. All I can do is to say that our discussions carried out will make it possible. 我所能做的是告诉大家我们的讨论会使之成为可能.

端盲17112254633: make+it+possibie为何没有be动词
延寿县蓬欣:: make it possible1. 以行践言2. 成为可能3. 使它成为可能4. 使它变成可能这里的make是使役动词,it是宾语,possible 是宾语补足语,不需要用be动词.例如:Spaceships make it possible to travel to the moon.宇宙飞船使去月球旅行成为可能.