
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

make a invitation还是make a invitation
答:答案:make an invitation 意思:发出邀请;制做邀请卡(柬)【分析】不定冠词a后接辅音读音开头的单词,an后接元音读音开头的单词。而invitation是元音读音/i/开头的,所以前面要用不定冠词an。【例句】I 'm going to make an invitation.我打算制做一张邀请卡。

答:英文翻译为:制作邀请函 Making invitations 例句:我的具体工作是对来华商务邀请函的审批,制作,记帐,结帐等一系列的工作。My specific work is to exame, approve and make commercial invitation, keep and so on.

答:同学,你好,事实上在英文中,making invitation 不能称之为一个句型,make an invitation 邀请可以作为一个短语 如果是涉及到非谓语的用法,那么是making, 举个例子 He bowed, making an invitaion to the girl.他鞠躬,向这个女孩做了邀请。谢谢采纳~

make an invitation to sb什么意思

Make an invitation英语作文八年级的要翻译喔,谢谢了
答:Dear Zhang Ming,As my birthday will take place on next Saturday, my parents have insisted on having a birthday party for me. They are very anxious to meet all my young friends, and they want me to have a good time on this occasion.The party will begin at 7 o'clock this ...

invitation可以组成什么词组 如make an invitation
答:正式的邀请:a formal invitation 诚挚/友善/盛情的邀请:a kind / sincere / cordial / kind / gracious invitation (来自某人的)(参加某活动的)邀请:an invitation (from sb.) (to sth.)We received an invitation from Jack to the party. 我们收到了杰克的聚会邀请。应某人的邀请:at sb's...

以make an invitation题的60字英语作文
答:We could Make it an around-the-island tour. If time is Short, we could fly down to Hualien and then Take the train back along the eastern coast. There Will be lots of beautiful scenic spots for pictures! Give me a call or write me a note as soon as you decide.Yours af...

答:Just register, log in and upload your photo, if you want to add a photo to your card.Click Get Started. To make an invitation, use the 5" by 7" canvas size. Drag and drop your photo onto the canvas. Then drag and drop any of CropMom's digital scrapbook graphics onto ...

答:Make an invitation with crayons and 15 您只需要一些色纸、蜡笔和想象力即可。All you need is some colored paper, crayons, and your 16 钢笔画、铅笔画、彩色粉笔画和蜡笔画;Drawings in ink, pencil, pastel, and crayon;www.dict...

答:1、Let’s make an invitation.2、Stick the flower with glue.3、What are you going to do?4、Are you good at swimming?5、Take out the seeds.三、翻译句子。1、用蜡笔画一个圆圈。2、他打算做什么?3、让我们去看电影。四、根据实际情况回答。问题翻译:1、你通常做些什么娱乐活动?2、为什么?3、你...


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玛多县于制:: make sb do sth make sb sth make sth for sb

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玛多县于制:: make an attempt at doing sth 试图、打算做某事Another way of looking at this is to make an attempt at discovering the authorialintent. 看待这个问题的另一种方法是试着发掘作者的意图.make an attempt to do sth 尝试、尝试做某事You should ...

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