
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-04

make a choice的中文意思是什么?

make a choice在句子充当什么成分
答:make - 动词谓语 a choice - 宾语

make a choice to do sth短语意思
答:make a choice to do sth 做出选择做某事 make a choice to do sth 做出选择做某事

make a choice和 make a decision的区别
答:make a choice和 make a decision 前者是做选择,后者是做决定,后者的应用范围比前者广。

答:英语短语make a一般译作:做出、给出、提出、。。。make a + 名词 - 按照中文的语言习惯,要根据后面的名词含义适配前面的动词的翻译。比如你这里给出的一些名词:make a choice - 做出选择;make a suggestion - 提出建议;make a disappointment (这个短语不成立 应该是make an appointment - 预约...

用make a choice 造句,最好是复合句
答:we should be allowed to make a choice by ourselves


take a choice
答:make a choice

答:用choice造句:1. You have to make a choice between the two.你必须在这两者之间做出选择。2. I didn't have a choice in the matter.在这件事上,我没有选择权。3. It was a good choice to come here for vacation.选择来这里度假是个好选择。4. It was a tough choice, but I ...

关于make a choice作文


崔变15571308272: 以 make a choice 造句 -
西陵区麻仇:: if you let me make a choice between jane and anne, i would say Jan is the better one. It's time that I make a choice.

崔变15571308272: make a choice和 make a decision的区别 -
西陵区麻仇:: make a choice 是做出选择 make a decision 使作出决定 选择 可以是 从几个选项中选一个 决定就可以比较广泛了 但意思是基本一样的 不用太担心

崔变15571308272: 用make a choice被动语态造句 -
西陵区麻仇:: When you have to make a choice and do not make it, that is in itself a choice

崔变15571308272: make a choice to do sth短语意思 -
西陵区麻仇:: make a choice to do sth 做出选择做某事 make a choice to do sth 做出选择做某事

崔变15571308272: 做出选择的英语 -
西陵区麻仇:: 做出选择 英文:make a choice 选择 英文:select; choose; opt; choice