
来源:kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-29

lost and found什么意思
答:lost and found [英][lɔ:st ænd faund][美][lɔst ənd faʊnd][法] 失物招领; 失而复得;例句:1.You got him in lost and found?你带他去失物招领处了?

lost and found是什么意思
答:lost and found na.(=lost property)失物招领;失物招领处;天涯海角 例句 1.They'll direct you to the Lost and Found department.他们会指引你到失物招领处。2.Lost and found advertising on papyrus was common in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.失物招领广告纸莎草,常见于古希腊和古罗马。3...

Lost and Found 什么意思
答:lost and found 直译英语是 失去与寻找。电影Lost and Found 《远在天边》的剧情简介 · · · · · ·秋叶纷飞的港口小镇,一只孤独的企鹅彷徨在空荡荡的街道上。它饥肠辘辘,无所依靠,漫无目的来到了一个小男孩的家中。企鹅似乎对男孩的收音机颇感兴趣,男孩则有些不知所措,只得把...

答:失物招领的英文:lost and found lost 读法 英 [lɒst] 美 [lɔst]1、adj. 失去的;丧失的;迷惑的 2、v. 遗失(lose的过去分词);失败 短语:1、lost track 忘记;失去联系 2、lost in thought 陷入沉思,沉思 3、lost generation 迷惘的一代 4、lost touch with 失去与.....

lost and found用汉语怎么说?

Lost and Found的翻译是:
答:Lost and Found Have you ever lost something and wished to find it back? That's why we have lost and found services. If you lose something, you can ask help from the lost and found office, where people who found things can bring them to. And if you find something, ...

lost and found 是什么意思?
答:lost:遗失 and:和 found:找到,合起来表示:失而复得。

lost and found前用什么介词
答:lost and found, 一般是指失物招领处,相当于lost and found office, 前面用介词in

答:你好。lost and found翻译成中文是:失而复得。———希望帮到你,满意请采纳。



喻蚁19137186353: 失物招领处怎么说?lost and found room? - 作业帮
柘荣县申邓::[答案] 就是lost and found就可以了.

喻蚁19137186353: Lost and Found是实物招邻布告的意思. Lost是什么意思? Found是什么意思? -
柘荣县申邓:: lost 丢失的 found 找到的

喻蚁19137186353: lost and found前用什么介词 -
柘荣县申邓:: lost and found 英[lɔ:st ænd faund] 美[lɔst ənd faʊnd] [释义] 失而复得; [法] 失物招领; [例句]Any public place should have a lost and found.所有的公共场所都有失物招领处.