
来源:kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

lose one's temper翻译
答:lose one's temper翻译是指捺不住性子;发脾气;生气的意思。相似短语:1、lose one's temper: 生气,发火,发脾气。2、keep one's temper: 控制自己,捺着性子。3、lost one's temper :发怒,发脾气。4、control one's temper: 忍住性子,耐住性子,忍住脾气,不使脾气发作。5、lose one'...

答:五、如果你是对的,你没必要发脾气;如果你是错的,你没资格去发脾气。 If you are right, you dont need to lose your temper; if you are wrong, you are not entitled to lose your temper. 六、非让现实给你一巴掌,你才知道社会有多虚伪,非让所谓的朋友把你伤的什么都不是,你才知道人心可畏。 You ...

答:2.This is a very touching letter,what I want to tell you is that we all have parents to lose his temper, once we at them shout: "don't worry about me, how so annoying!" But, they are the only ones in the world who can forever cared about us. So no matter how to...

答:Five pieces of chewing gum can not only fill the stomach, but also to lose weight。 55、你身边有没有这样一个人,你一生气他就乐了? Is there such a person around you, you angry he was happy? 56、有谁像我一样,不停的更换着签名,其实只是想让某一个人有所感触。 Who like me, do not s...


答:No. one of team plays the paean, overcome all the difficulties in the way, but lose the match in the north distinguishing area have a match, have been assigned to fighting for the admission ticket which entered finals with the south district eldest. The miracle will always appear , some ...

火的英语例句 火的英语怎么读
答:火的英语怎么读 1、[名词]fire;firearms;ammunition;internal heat;2、[形容词]fiery;flaming;urgent;pressing;3、[动词]get angry;lose ones temper;4、[例句]救火车到达之前火就熄灭了。The fire had burnt out before the fire engines arrived.

火的英语怎么读 火的英语例句
答:1、[名词]fire;firearms;ammunition;internal heat;2、[形容词]fiery;flaming;urgent;pressing;3、[动词]get angry;lose ones temper;4、[例句]救火车到达之前火就熄灭了。The fire had burnt out before the fire engines arrived.


长枫17387446438: get very angry=lose one's temper吗 - 作业帮
孟津县古空::[答案] get very angry生气 lose one's temper发脾气 意思上差不多

长枫17387446438: lose one's temper, I will to go.什麽意思
孟津县古空:: 失去自己的脾气,我就去

长枫17387446438: The manager never laughed; neither - ________________ - (她也从来没有发过脾气).大部分的答案是:did she lose temper还有答案是:had she lost her ... - 作业帮
孟津县古空::[答案] 你提供的三个答案应该说都是可以的.因为前半句用的是laughed,一般过去时,所有后面句子可以使用一般过去时也当然可... 因为这是一个否定句.另外,如你所说,发脾气,一般选择词组,lose one's temper比较好,相比较而言,你可以选择第二个...