
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

答:您好亲!将原句“you need to keep your desk clean, David”转换为祈使句,只需要去掉主语和“need to”,将动词“keep”的原形放在句首,再加上对象“David”,即可得到“Keep your desk clean, David”这句话。也就是说,你可以这么命令学生David保持他的桌子干净整洁。英语中的祈使句通常用来表达...

keepyourdeskcleanK 用大写吗?
答:句子首个词的首个字母用大写,这是英文的基本礼仪,现代人多不在乎。但何必做不懂礼貌的人呢?Keep your desk clean!

keep your … clean填词?
答:keep your desk clean 保持你的课桌干净 keep your room clean 保持你的房间干净 keep your clothes clean 保持你的衣服干净 your后面街名词即可,单数复数都可以

答:reading a book: He is reading a book.listening to music: She is listening to music.keep to the right: Keep to the right of the road.keep your desk clean: It is your responsibility to keep your desk quietly: We usually talk quietly at the library.take turns: We...

答:1、in particular:尤其,特别。She likes fruit and tomatoes in particular.她喜欢水果,尤其是西红柿。in particula常用于句尾,放名词之后,做副词。2、particularly:特别地,详细地,明确地,细致地。(1)特别地;格外地。Keep your office space tidy, particularly your desk.保持你的办公地点整洁...

Classes start at 3 o’clock.意思是什么?
答:2. Keep your desk clean! 保持你的课桌洁净!3. -- Where is Amy? 埃米在哪里?-- She’s listening to music in the classroom.她正在教室里听音乐。4. -- What are they doing? 它们正在做什么?-- They’re eating lunch! 它们正在吃午饭!5. -- What’s the little monkey doing? 那只小猴子在...

答:8. "I've come to reclaim my property," she announced to the desk clerk.“我来要求归还我的房产,”她向接待人员宣布。9. "It's in here somewhere," he said, rooting about in his desk.“它就在这里的什么地方,”他一边说,一边在桌子里乱翻。10. Keep your office space looking ...

英语文翻译 各位大神帮帮忙!!!

答:5. 最聪明的做法便是草草看完我们要看的章节。6. 他们对园艺产生了兴趣。7. 你应该把字典放在桌上, 你需要参考的时候便会很方便。8. 我们经常被警戒一定要做人诚实, 但是, 当在互联网上, 这条警句便失去了它的意义。9. On the internet, you should not share yourpersonal information with ...

答:副词不是修饰名词的。本句副词后面承前省略了动词,等于particularly work hard at English.再如:Keep your office space looking good, particularly your desk 保持办公环境的整洁,尤其是你的桌子。


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