
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-26

求英语单词..形容词 名词 助词
答:arm n.手臂,胳膊 v.武装army n.军队arrival n.到达;来临;达到art n.艺术;美术article n.文章,论文;冠词artist n.美术家;艺术家ash n.灰,灰烬,灰堆Asia n.亚洲Asian n.亚洲人 a.亚洲的 assistant n.助手,助理;助教attention n.注意,留心;注意力August n.八月aunt n.伯母,婶母,姑母,姨母,舅母Australia ...

答:93 Merlin 本回答由提问者...

答:陆运会 (Sports Day,1944年)给我们月亮 (Give us the Moon,1944年)艾曼努尔先生 (Mr. Emmanuel,1944年)和新娘吻别Kiss the Bride Goodbye (1945年)Meet Sexton Blake (1945年)战火云天 (The Way to the Stars,1945年)埃及妖后前传 (Caesar and Cleopatra,1945年)孤星血泪 (Great...

答:01 | 1937-12-21 白雪公主 Snow White and Seven Dwarfs 02 | 1940-02-07 木偶奇遇记 Pinocchio 03 | 1940-11-13 幻想曲 Fantasia 04 | 1941-10-23 小飞象 Dumbo 05 | 1942-08-13 小鹿斑比 Bambi 06 | 1943-02-06 致候吾友 Saludos Amigos 07 | 1945-02-03 三骑士 The Three Cabal...

求一部美国搞笑电影名称 主角是一个印度人和韩国人的搞笑旅程,两人曾被...
答:Penny是个在蛋糕店打工的女孩儿,同时做着不是很现实的演员梦,但令Leonard和Sheldon失望的是,美女不但对两人都没有意思,而且对他们的好友花公子Howard Wolowitz(Simon Helberg, "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip")十分厌恶。Howard称自己是加州理工学院的"卡萨诺瓦"其实只是一个在25岁还对母亲言听计从的工程学怪人...

答:546. I gripped the striped strip that tripped me over on the ship. 我握着那条在船上将我绊倒的带条纹的带子。547. With his lips the sly fly clipped the slippery slipper that eclipsed his sight. 狡猾的苍蝇用嘴唇夹住遮挡他视线的滑拖鞋。548. The button utters in mutter, The butterfly ...

答:A twist on the story was used by Charles Schulz in a "Peanuts" strip, in which Lucy van Pelt acquires a baseball card of Charlie Brown's favorite player, and she refuses to give it to him. After he leaves disconsolately, she decides she doesn't really like the card that well, and ...

瑞典有一直著名的cs战队叫什么???共计次夺得欧洲国家杯的冠军?_百度知 ...
答:GEEKPLAY和GeekStrip的制作人。也是Zkillz.com和XSReality.com的创始人。 成员 Potti 姓名:Tommy Ingemarsson 年龄:23 国籍:瑞典 所属战队:SK 曾效力战队:NIP 主板:Shuttle SB75G2 鼠标: ms intellipoint 1.1 鼠标垫: Steelpad 4D 耳机: Sennheiser PC155 显示器: LG flatron 17" or hyundai 19" CPU:Intel ...

翻译成英文。救急! 我是一名导游,陪旅游团游览长城,讲话必须包括这几点...
答:both can controllike this important, and may save the manpower and the material,reaches "Wan Fumo opens" effect. Constructs the castleor the beacon tower also is the choice in "looks in all directionswants place" as for to construct the city wall, fully uses theterrain, like t...

答:自认为是花花公子的Howard Wolowitz(Simon Helberg, "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip"),他称自己是加州理工学院的"卡萨诺瓦"(1725-1798,意大利冒险家,以所写的包括他的许多风流韵事的《自传》而著称,后来该词被引申为"风流浪子,好色之徒"),能用六种语言泡妞,参与负责美国的火星探索计划(喜欢...


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