
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-19

known for 跟 known as的区别
答:be known for 因为什么而闻名 he is known for his known as 作为什么而闻名 he is known as a known for =be famous for be known as=be famous as 希望这对你有帮助


be known as和be known for的用法有什么不同
答:而"be known for"则通常表示某人、某事物因为某个具体的特征、技能、行为等而出名。例如:"Marie Curie is known for pioneering research on radioactivity."(玛丽·居里因为在放射性方面的开创性研究而出名。)总之,两者用法上的区别在于"be known as"描述的是某人或某事物的身份,而"be known for"...

be known as和be known for的区别是什么?
答:Yuan Long-ping is a good example of a person (who is) known for multiple things. He was first known for being a diligent scientist who spent over half a century on his hybrid rice studies. Then he was known as the winner of the first National Science and Technology Award ...

be known as; be known for; be known to的区别
答:We’re sure you’ll be well-known as an artist.我们相信你会成为一位著名的画家。be known for 意为“因……而著名”,其后所接内容表示某人或物的特点、特长等。如:Guilin is known for her beautiful mountains and rivers.桂林因其美丽的山水而闻名。Mr Geldof is well-known for ...

be known as/for/to/by 的用法和区别,快一点,谢啦!
答:be known as 什么样的名人 She is known as a known for 因什么而出名 She is known for her great known to 做什么出名 He is known to eat a known by 在什么人中有名 He is known by his classmates as a singer.

答:be known for=be famous for 因...而出名,因...而著名,可以在known前加well 比如:1.Beijing is well known for its long history,北京因为它悠久的历史而著名。2.China is famous for The Four Great Inventions.中国因四大发明而闻名。3. Li Shizhen is known for An Outline Treatise...

be known as和be known for, be known to有什么区别吗?
答:。Be known for:这个短语通常用于描述某人、某事或某地因为某种特定的品质、技能、或特征而闻名。例如,"She is known for her generosity"(她以慷慨而著称)。Be known to:这个短语通常用于表示信息或事实为公众所熟知。例如,"The news is known to everyone"(这个消息为大家所知)。


答:It is not my, but always with sincere attitude. I may not succeed, but do not forget the hearts of the truth. When I and all the righteous together, which is known for the support, from the. 30、一个国家有五分之一人什么都反对,只会说风凉话。 A country with 1/5 people what are ...


冷筠19111568174: professor white has written some short stories. but he is () known for his plays
巢湖市翁承:: 选 C better 句子意思:怀特教授虽然已经写了一些短篇故事,但是,他的戏剧更出名 be well known +for(表示原因) 或as(表示作为) 用法同be famous for/as 为了帮助你理解,可以看下面例句: Hongkong is well known for its shopping streets.香港因它的购物街出名(出名的理由) Hongkong is well known as a shopping city. 香港作为一个“购物城”出名(出名的形式) 根据句子意思:应该用well的比较级better.

冷筠19111568174: be known as /for/ to 的区别``具体怎么用``谢谢 好德给追分 急 -
巢湖市翁承:: The great wall is well known as a chinese heritage site 长城是著名的中国heritage site Switzland is well known for it's chocolete.瑞士因其chololete而闻名 the TV program of SUPER GIRL is well know to chinese 超级女生在中国非常有名

冷筠19111568174: it is/was 引导的句型 -
巢湖市翁承:: 1.It is / was+被强调的部分+that(who)+剩余的部分.如: It wasn't until he came back that I went to bed.直到他回来我才睡觉.(一定要注意被强调句型谓语动词否定的转移,及形式). It was because he was ill that he didn't come to school today...