
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-09

be involved in和be involved with有何区别?
答:"Be involved in" 和 "be involved with" 都表示某种程度的参与或与某事物的关系,但它们在用法和语境中有所不同:Be involved in:这个短语经常用于表示参与某个特定活动、事件或情况。例如:She is involved in volunteer work.(她参与志愿者工作。)Be involved with:这个短语更倾向于描述与另一...

请问be involved in 与be involved with有什么区别呢,最好用例句帮忙解...
答:be involved in涉及,专心;卷入 He was rumoured to be involved in the crime.有传言说他卷入了这桩罪行 I don't want to be involved in society.我不想卷入这个社会。be involved with涉及,卷入 Myhr had no desire to be involved with anything dangerous or violent.迈尔不想卷入任何危险...

be involved with什么意思?
答:1.涉及 2.与...有关连 3.牵涉,卷入

As a teenager Bruce became involvef with 分析下主谓宾?
答:As a teenager Bruce became involved with.作为一个青少年,布鲁斯被卷入了。主系表的结构 as a teenager作为状语 Bruce这个人是主语 became是联系动词 involved with是表语。

get involved with是什么意思?
答:get involved with 发音:英 [ɡɛt ɪnˈvɒlvd wɪð]:美 [ɡɛt ɪnˈvɑlvd wɪð]翻译:卷入;介入 短语 Get involved with local road RACES. 参加当地的公路比赛。 doesn't get involved with social networks. 并不受束...

be involved in和be involved with的区别
答:be involved in 包含在...;与...有关;被卷入;专心地(做)be involved with 涉及 she is involved in red cross work.he is involved with the drama society.追问:两者有什么区别?回答:前者是说明你对某件事情或活动的参与,后者更强调你对某个团体的加入~不清楚吗?

get involved with的区别
答:get involved with 英 [ɡet ɪnˈvɔlvd wið]美 [ɡɛt ɪnˈvɑlvd wɪð]给…缠住 双语例句 1. He'd been a fool to get involved with her! 他竟然跟她扯到了一起,真是傻瓜!来自柯林斯例句 2. I never wanted to get ...

be involved in和be involved with的区别
答:Marginal governments, involved in local expansionism , continually scuffle with one another and with major global powers.边际政府,参与当地的扩张,不断扭打彼此间以及同全球主要的权力。 4.NASA is not involved in any sort of cover up about alien life on this planet...

请教”involved”用法,(I'm too deeply involved)什么意思?
答:be involved with 涉及 become involved in 卷入, 陷入 get involved with 给...缠住 be involved in trouble 卷入纠纷 be involved in disaster 陷入不幸 a task which involves much difficulty 困难重重的任务 involve a number to the fifth power 把某数乘五次方 Clouds involved the mountain top...

答:beinvolvedindisaster 陷入不幸 ataskwhichinvolvesmuchdifficulty 困难重重的任务 involveanumbertothefifthpower 把某数乘五次方 Cloudsinvolvedthemountaintop.云雾笼罩山头.Hewasinvolvedinworkingoutaplan.他专心致志地制订计划.beinvolvedin 包含在...;与...有关;被卷入;专心地(做)beinvolvedwith 涉及 b...


步湛17748897611: be involved with什么意思? -
太仆寺旗郑伟:: 涉及 祝楼主更上一层楼

步湛17748897611: take part in ,get involved with区别二者作为参与时有什么区别? - 作业帮
太仆寺旗郑伟::[答案] take part in 是指参加活动,get involved in有被牵扯进去,涉及,有受牵连的意思. ----精锐教育春申校区

步湛17748897611: invole和get involved with区别 - 作业帮
太仆寺旗郑伟::[答案] invole1.包缠, 卷缠2.使卷入; 使陷入; 拖累3.使专注4.包括; 包含; 涉及5.包围, 围住6.【数】把(某数)乘方 get involved with: 被…缠住了参与,参加 ...