
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-17

suffering humanity 怎么翻译?
答:suffering humanity 受苦的民众,受难的民众 suffering 受苦的,受难的 a suffering people 遭受苦难的民族 humanity (总称)人;人类 Humanity has made great progress in space exploration and medicine.人类在太空研究和医学上取得了很大进展。

common humanity是什么意思
答:你好。common humanity翻译成中文是:共同人性;普遍人性。———希望帮到你,满意请采纳。


Confirm Humanity中文怎么翻译更好
答:Confirm Humanity 确认人道

Battle Without Honor or Humanity
答:Battle Without Honor or Humanity 【一场毫不光彩或不人道的战役】◎Humanity --在此作“人道”解释应比较合理;◎不知大家为何把“OR”误译为“和”,应为“或”


答:三纲:君为臣纲,父为子纲,夫为妻纲。three cardinal guides: ruler guides subject, father guides son husband guides wife.五常:仁、义、理、智、信。five constant virtues: benevolence (humanity), righteousness, propriety, wisdom and fidelity.三纲五常,拼音是sān gāng wǔcháng,封建礼教...

battle without honor or humanity什么意思
答:battle without honor or humanity 没有荣誉和人性的战斗 词典 无差别格斗 【百度翻译机翻译 】

答:有五种表达:huge crowds of people、a sea of people、the sea of humanity、People mountain people sea、the tremendous number of people as much as waters in the ocean and rocks on the mountain 一、huge crowds of people 读音:英 [hjuːdʒ kraʊdz ɒv ˈ...

答:以满足人们的不同口味。用英语表达 翻译如下:To satisfy people's different tastes.重点词汇释义:满足:satisfy; satisfied; content; fulfil; appease 人们:people; men; the public; humanity; folk 口味:taste; the flavour or taste of food; a person's taste ...


计念18931616911: 人道 博爱 奉献 三个单词英文如何翻译?急
扶余县隗唯:: 名词的: 人道 humanity 博爱 fraternity 奉献 devotion/dedication 形容词的: 人道 humane 博爱 fraternal 奉献 devoted/dedicated

计念18931616911: 孔子思想里的仁怎么用英文解释 -
扶余县隗唯:: humanityn.人性, 人类, 博爱, 仁慈benvolencen.仁

计念18931616911: 怎么说人性化的和人性化地? -
扶余县隗唯:: 人性化的Humanistic 参考:人性化的流程企业(Humanistic Process enterprise) 人性化地 Humanisticly eg:humanisticly profession