
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-27

how many percent...和how many percentage...那个正确
答:how many percent...或者 what is the percentage of ...

答:如果percent后面是可数名词复数,就用how many。如果后面是不可数名词,就用how much。percent 英 [pə'sent]   美 [pə'sent]n. 百分比 adv. 百分之...adj. 百分之...的 Twenty percent of the products are exported.百分之二十的产品外销。用法 1、percent是可数名词,但通常用...

答:percentage:百分比 例句和用法:Whisky contains a large percentage of alcohol.威士忌所含酒精的百分比很高.Of all the fibers now used by man, a very large percentage is man-made.现在人类所使用的所有纤维之中,有很大的百分比是人造的。We have only a small percentage of foreign books.我们...

what is data ?用英文哦 多谢谢
答:a researcher will ask a questions to a participant that include words how often, how many or percentage. The answers from the questions will be numerical.An example of quantitative data would be: there are 643 ninjas on the ceiling or there are 735 pirates with wenches.自己...

英语作文范文 怎样克服焦虑
答:Leave nothing to chance. If you do not know how to get to the test centre, try going there at a similar time one or two weeks before the real test.The night before the test You must have a good dinner and go to bed at your normal time — not too early and not too ...

答:However, such cases only occupy such a tiny percentage of the global population that they can be neglected. In conclusion, I believe that it is much easier for the public to receive education than in the past with the aid of technology and the awakening sense of education.(By Zhaobo, 534...

答:7.The population contains a high ratio/percentage of senior citizens.人口中老年人的比率很高。8.The Shopping Centre is easily accessible to virtually all the population of Manchester.几乎所有在曼彻斯特的人都能很方便地来到这家购物中心 9.The population of Wuhu and Wuxi has increased ...

[-B38] ___ percentage of his income is taxable?
答:percentage的用法是 The percentage of +sth+ is,注意这里不管后面跟的是什么词,都用is(这里忽略别的时态) ,类似的单词我们还学过: population。“What's the population of...” "...的人口是多少"“The population of ... ”本句子的意思是“他的收入有百分之几的交税?”...

翻译英文 急!! 在线等 Google翻译有部分要补全也可以
答:机器设计基本上是一个创造活动。但是,除了是革新的,一个设计工程师必须也有一个 soild 背景在机械制图,kiematics,力学,设计的材料,材料的 stength 和制造的过程的区域中。 机器设计将被认为是一使用革新的才能想像一产品的设计分析 systim 然后赚在 hou 上产品将是制造的良好判断力的机会。它是对重要...

答:说明构成部分A ___ is made up of /consists of/comprises How many ?A number of parts/sections 描述各个部件功能不要用you ,one可以用we, the operator (单数个体) First , (the cyclist) puts his or her ___on the ___ 要有一定的顺序,不要将每个部分单独写出,应该将能够合并的一起结合,注意...


第实15082605070: 英语问题 -
大安市尤楠:: 您好!1.tent 2.badminton s (many+ 名词的复数)保证正确!望采纳!谢谢!

第实15082605070: how+many通常用来对什么进行提问 - 作业帮
大安市尤楠::[答案] many一般形容那些可数的名词,因此how many是对可数名词进行提问.对应的 how much是对不可数名词进行提问.

第实15082605070: How +many和much+cups of tea用much还是many - 作业帮
大安市尤楠::[答案] How many cups of tea cups是可数名词. 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!