
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-04

household chores是什么意思
答:household chores n.家务活;以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.He says the children have become keener on household chores.他说孩子们现在在家务中更积极了。

household chores的英标和意思
答:chore [tʃɔ:]1.零星工作(尤指家常杂务) 2.日常事务;例行工作 3. 令人厌烦的任务;乏味无聊的工作 household chores是家务事的意思

it is not always true that modern technology is more complex to u...
答:1) Household chores. houshold是指一家人,家庭的意思,chores,是指杂事,零星的琐事,这两词连用在一起,形成联合名词,意思是日常家务活的意思,相当于house work. Chore是个可数名词,此处+s为复数。2) It was to 是一种典型的不定式表语的结构。在此句中perfrom 是动词,直接可以换成do,hou...

答:Should we help our parents do some housework students should help our parents do some housework.Firstly,after a whole day's work, our parents must be very tired. If we help them with the housework, they'll feel quite happy and pleased.On the other hand, doing housework not on...

答:忘记做家务 Forget to do housework 重点词汇 做家务do housework 双语例句 你是否经常忘记要做的家务事而把更多的时间花在网上?How often do you neglect household chores to spend more time on-line?

英语辩论题目:孩子做家务不应给报酬 证明观点
答:其实在许多国家孩子劳动家长付报酬的现象比较普遍。美国孩子有句口号叫得响:“要花钱,自己挣。”在美国的许多大中小城市,每天清晨,总能看到一些六七岁的孩子骑着儿童车,常常穿行于大街小巷,为家庭送报,其娴熟程度让人赞慕不已, 还以为是穷人家的孩子为了赚钱贴补家用呢, 其实他们大都出生于中产阶级...

答:People negotiate over where to go for dinner, which movie to watch or how to split household chores. Negotiation, in its modern sense, is defined in The Roots of Sound Rational Thinking as follows: the ability to deal with business affairs, to arrange by discussion the settlement of terms,...

答:做家务对我们来说是一种锻炼,也能帮助家长,对我们也有好处啊!译 Be son or daughter , be for parents makes a few household duties much ought to. Either need to take that self is busy as excuse , or do not go to make household duties, how busy Oh father mother , ought to ...

答:today's domestic work, I know that parents are very tired every day, every day for my cooking, washing clothes, I do, meals to mouth opening, clothing to hand all day to live a carefree life. Parents in order to reduce fatigue, I will have to help with household chores....



阳丽15116814040: chore的用法,详细一点thand you - 作业帮
坡头区微诸::[答案] chore [tʃɔ:] n. 1.(家庭或农庄的)杂务,杂活 2.日常零星工作[常用复数] 3.困难的工作;令人厌烦的工作 eg: The chore fell to him. 杂活落到了他的头上. Most household chores also take place in the kitchen.(杂务) 而大部分家庭杂务也大都源于厨...

阳丽15116814040: 小明星期天在家里看书,做家务.用英语怎么说 - 作业帮
坡头区微诸::[答案] Xiao Ming Sunday at home reading books,doing household chores. 就这样翻译的,给我加分哦

阳丽15116814040: 英语妈妈爱做家务,是家庭主妇带翻译 -
坡头区微诸:: 学问学问,既学又问,修得学问.********************************************************** 妈妈爱做家务,是家庭主妇 My mother likes doing chores, she is a housewife. ********************************************************* 黄老师为你释疑解答,满意请及时采纳,3Q!后面要回答相同答案的,请绕道.你就不能点个赞吗?!

阳丽15116814040: household 造句household 造句例:TV serials are the main entertainment of Chinese households. - 作业帮
坡头区微诸::[答案] household 英[ˈhaushəuld] 美[ˈhaʊsˌhold] 复数:households n. 1.同住在一所房子里的人,一家人,户 adj. 1.家庭的,家用的 2.家喻户晓的,熟悉的 名词 n. 1.同住在一所房子里的人,一家人,户 I grew up as part of a large household. 我生长在一...

阳丽15116814040: housework 和 chores有什么不同点? -
坡头区微诸:: chore指的是“家庭杂务;日常零星工作”,也就是所谓的“家务活”.do chores=do housework 处理琐事;干家务 chore为可数名词,housework为不可数名词.我想没有人会喜欢做家务(chores),因为它“令人厌烦”.所以chore还有一个意思是“令人厌烦的工作”.