
来源:kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

hard后面加doing还是to do
答:hard to do

答:应该说hard 作为形容词,后面接to do 是最一般的用法 还需要疑问吗?!语法就是这样的 但是还没有听说过接ing用法的 那位认为可以接ing的可否举例来看看啊 。。。

be hard后加to do 还是加doing
答:be hard后应该加to do

it is hard to do还是doing?
答:It's hard to do sth.固定搭配 难于做某事 It's hard to finish the task.完成这个任务很困难。

hard to do sth. 还是 hard doing sth.? Could you please do sth...
答:be hard to do,It is hard to understand what he said.要了解他所说的话是很困难的。对的,Could you please help me?please 只是使语气更柔和

It is hard to do sth 和 It is hard doing sth 那个对啊?
答:It is hard to do sth对 意为“做某事不容易”。It's +形容词 +( for sb.) + to do sth.表示做某事(对于某人)很…hard 是形容词,相当于difficult 例如: It's hard to learn English well. 学好英语不容易。

it was hard to do与it was hard doing的区别
答:it was hard to do的意思是"做某事很难".it was hard doing,这个真的没见过,只知道hard-working是很努力的意思,表示动作的话就是work hard.

have a hard time to do还是doing?
答:“have a hard time to do”是错误的,没有这个表达法。have a hard time doing(做某事有困难)相当于have trouble doing sth.正确的形式应该是have a good/hard/difficult time (in) doing,这里的in可以省略的,因为in是介词,介词后面通常情况下可加名词或动名词(doing),是不可以加to do的...

it is hard() sth. a.to do b.do c.doing
答:选a,过程:请记住,前面给it,后面填to do

find it hard to do还是 doing have a difficult time...
答:回答:find it hard to do ,比如 I find it hard to study 我发现学习有一定的难度,(这句话只是一句简单句,主谓宾补结构,it做形式宾语,所以要用动词动词原形做宾语补足语。) ; have a difficult time to doing 这里的to是介词,表示的是一种即将去做的事,用动词的ing形式。


郁侧17636034143: 问一下啊,是hard for sb donging sth还是hard for sb to do sth -
华阴市桑柔:: Congratulationshard doing是努力工作的意思,中间不能加for sb.

郁侧17636034143: practice hard 后面是DING还是TO DORT - 作业帮
华阴市桑柔::[答案] practice后面既可跟to do ,也可跟doing 跟to do表示练习要做好某事 跟doing表示正在练习做某事 所以如果你想表达正在努力练习以做成某事就有practice hard to do sth 如果你表示正在努力练习某事中,就用practice hard doing sth

郁侧17636034143: hard的用法 -
华阴市桑柔:: 只有 be hard to do sth 不可加动名词