
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02

答:What day do you play computer games你星期几玩电脑游戏 我周末玩I play at the weekend How can you play computer games today怎么你今天里能玩电脑游戏 我已经完成作业了I've already finished my homework

答:今天让我们做游戏 let’s play a game today 和他们一起做白日梦 daydream with them 我们一起比赛,我们一起获胜 united we play,united we win 做游戏 play a game; play at; play games; playing games 让我们一起唱 let’s harmonize all around the world 让我们一起来 ...

答:Can you play computer game?What are you doing on Saturday?I 'd sure to love He has too much work to do

答:today we have two football matches 今天我们有两场足球比赛

Today is Saturday, my family and I go to have a p

答:1. Can you see a sofa over there?意:你能看见那里有一个沙发吗?2. Why is he absent today?意:他今天为什么缺席?3. Oh, it is time to play games.意:哦,到了玩游戏的时候了。

Today,to told the Olympic Games ___(consider)as a rich prize for...
答:填【is considered】此句子to不定式作主语,固定搭配【be considered as】被看作...翻译:今天,能举办奥林匹克运动会被看作是一个国家的高级荣誉。希望能帮到你,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~

today ,to hola the olympic games ___(consider)as a rich prize for...
答:答案:is considered 主语to hola the olympic games,缺少谓语动词,consider要用被动,所以填is considered 希望可以帮到你。

答:the year 776BC in Greece.AT that time there were not as many games as today.Running,jumping and wrestling were the very old games,but they were the same as they are now.In the old times,these games were only for men .women were not allowed to take part in the games....



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南华县班婉:: 1.A: I do my homework today.B: But you didn't do your homework yesterday.2.A: I have breakfast today. But you didn't. (如果后面还有就是But you didn't have breakfast yest...

戴竖17118323943: 英语翻译 -
南华县班婉:: 2008 Olympic Games opening ceremony today

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南华县班婉:: today is the first day of the Olympic Games. i feel so excited

戴竖17118323943: 你有电脑吗用英语怎么回答? -
南华县班婉:: Do you have a computer? Yes,I have.

戴竖17118323943: “我今天玩了电脑”用英语怎么说? -
南华县班婉:: I played (games) on my computer today.I played on my computer today.