
来源:kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-04

答:proud,英文单词,形容词、名词,作形容词时意为“自豪的;得意的;自负的;突出的”,作名词时意为“人名;(英)普劳德”。自豪的英语单词是'Proud',发音为/praud/,是一个形容词,表示感到非常自信、满足和骄傲。以下是一些常用的表达方式:1、feel proud感到自豪,例如:I feel proud of my ...

答:I am proud of our country.摆脱,5楼的不懂就不要说。居然还用ours 还用feel 根本就是直译

be/feel pround 后要加什么?
答:你想说proud吗??如果是的话,两个都对。be/feel pround +to do sth & be/feel pround +of doing sth be/feel pround +of Noun

我会让你们感到骄傲 的英文怎么说?
答:三种说法:I will be your proud.I will make you be proud of me.I will let you be proud of me.

Being a Chinese, I feel proud of my country and the contributions...
答:A 试题分析:考查定语从句:句意:做为一个中国人,我为我的国家和它对世界文化做出的贡献感到自豪。这句话是定语从句,先行词是the contributions,定语从句中缺少主语,用that或which引导定语从句,what不能引导定语从句,it和one是代词,不能引导定语从句,选A。

答:问题五:我会让你们感到骄傲的英文怎么说?三种说法:Iwillbeyourproud.Iwillmakeyoubeproudofme.Iwillletyoubeproudofme.问题六:”我们为他感到骄傲”的英语怎么说weareproudofhim 问题七:英语:我为你们感到骄傲(自豪)Iamproudofyou(proud)问题八:感到自豪英语怎么说感到自豪 feelproud更多释义>> [...

帮我写一篇关于我以我的学校而骄傲的英语作文 谢拉 请速度点儿._百度...
答:of fun at school. After class ,we play games and do lots of sports, such as playing basketball , football and table- tennis. I love my school because it’s like a big family. The teachers are kind and the students are friendly. I feel proud of my school. I love it.

...team won,they couldn`t help but ---proud of being chinese._百 ...
答:they couldn`t help but feel proud of being chinese. 可写成they couldn`t help but they could feel proud of being chinese.could为情态动词,后应用动词原型。

答:learn more skill is good for me. I start to have guitar class. It is really funny at first. But later on, I feel very tired and hot. It is not easy to get improved. I want to give up, but I insist at last. Now I can pay several songs. I feel proud of it....

答:我曾梦想着成为一名老师。老师就像一个艺术家,在他的舞台上尽情的展现他才华。看着他的艺术品也走向成功的时候,他的虚荣也被得到了满足。i want to ba a singer when i grow up.when i was young,i have a dream that i can sing in front of the people and they will fell proud of ...


唐姜15358751114: let my family feel proud of me哪里错了 -
宁明县嵇丹:: Be proud of这个搭配用的不对.let sb. do sth这个句式虽然可以用,但你想表达让家人自豪不很合适.可以这么表达:I want to make my family proud.这里是用的make sb 加形容词.是可以的.

唐姜15358751114: 用英语表达“感到骄傲” -
宁明县嵇丹:: 您好! 用 be proud of ... 就可以了 例如: My parents are proud of me. 我父母为我感到骄傲. 望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

唐姜15358751114: i feel so proud of being chinses解释句子
宁明县嵇丹:: 有of,因为短语proud of是一个组合,意思为为什么什么感到骄傲,后面接宾语! 你要说的意思是:“我为自己身为一名中国人而骄傲”, 正确的翻译应该是:“I am so pround of being a Chinese.”