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为什么用 extraordinary,而不是extraordinarily。
答:因为副词是用来形容动词和形容词的,形容词修饰名词。这个句子里的extraordinary是形容词补语,用来做形容词修饰anything 而不是 doing 表示做任何卓越的事,是很普遍的搭配 如果换成副词,就变成了做任何事都很卓越,但英语表达一般是do sth. well 所以用形容词比较合适 ...

答:意为“超出”;excessive 意为“过多的,过分的,极度的”。4、very听起来比较中性,而extremely听起来比较匆忙。very这个词的问题在于,它可以用来描述很多事情,也可以有很多不同的语气。5、像“extraordinarily”、“exceptionally”或“remarkably ”这样的词使你的形容词听起来既重要又令人印象深刻。

答:神勇 shényǒng [valorous] 无比的勇猛

答:影响等);47、extraordinarily:非常地,特别地 ,出奇,很,十分,特别,极其,离奇地,倍加;48、enhance:提高,夸张,加强,增进,增加(价值、质量、吸引力等);49、elevate:提高,提升,举起,鼓舞,提高(思想),抬高 ;50、economically:在经济上,经济地,节约地,节省地,实惠地,节俭地。

求皇后乐队的Killer Queen中文歌词
答:Extraordinarily nice 妙不可言 She's a Killer Queen 她是杀手皇后 Gunpowder, gelatine 火力劲爆 功夫了得 Dynamite with a laser beam 她是一枚迸发夺目激光的 Guaranteed to blow your mind 保准引得你意乱神迷 (Anytime)无论何时 Recommended at the price 极致的体验远超其价值 Insatiable an ...

答:非常: very/ extraordinarily/ highly/ in the extreme/ extremely/ largely/ quite/ awfully/ considerably/ greatly 明显的: clearly/ obviously/ distinctly/ evidently/ markedly/ visibly, perfectly entirely increasingly totally authentically really truly 后来: afterward/ consequentially/ then 最后: ...

killer queen歌词到底表达了什么意义?看翻译也不理解
答:Extraordinarily nice 格外迷人 She's a Killer Queen 她是个杀手女王 Gunpowder, gelatine 火力强劲 Dynamite with a laserbeam 带激光束的胶质弹药 Guaranteed to blow your mind 保证让你意乱情迷 Anytime 随时随地 Ooh, recommended at the price 强烈推荐,以此价格 Insatiable an appetite 满足你贪...

答:It happened that he had appointed to go out in this boat, either for pleasure or for fish, with two or three Moors of some distinction in that place, and for whom he had provided extraordinarily, and had, therefore, sent on board the boat overnight a larger store of provisions than ...

答:'He is,'agreed Lord Henry, 'extraordinarily good-looking.'“真的是。”亨利勋爵说,“简直一模个模子出来的。”'Come to lunch,'invited his aunt.'Dorian Gray will be here and you can meet him again.'“中午过来吃饭。”他婶婶说,“多里安·格雷也会来吃饭,你就又能见他了。”'I'd...

答:When the waterfall crosses the steep steep wall, it looks extraordinarily magnificent. 18、如果你有那个实力,就好好利用它,绽放它。 If you have that strength, make good use of it and bloom. 19、假如你从来未曾害怕受窘受伤害,好就是你从来没有冒过险。 If you have never been afraid of being em...


茹启15296273975: extraordinarily在新三第一课里读音怎么和音标不一样 -
红岗区牛闻:: 一个是英式发音,一个是美式发音.英 [ɪkˈstrɔːdnri] 美 [ɪkˈstrɔːrdəneri] 精锐教育老师很高兴为你解答,祝学习进步.

茹启15296273975: b开头的英语单词 表丰富的意思 -
红岗区牛闻:: bumper 可以有这个意思 以下是金山词霸的解释: Something extraordinarily large. 巨大的东西 adj.(形容词) Extraordinarily abundant or full: 丰盛的:十分满的,丰收的,丰富的: a bumper crop of corn. 玉米丰收

茹启15296273975: 非常美丽的英语怎么说 -
红岗区牛闻:: very beautiful

茹启15296273975: 以ex开头的英语副词有哪些 - 作业帮
红岗区牛闻::[答案] extremely extraordinarily exclusively externally .

茹启15296273975: extraordinarily 不知道怎么读 -
红岗区牛闻:: D.J.[ɪksˈtr ɔ:dnrɪlɪ] K.K.[ɪkˈstr ɔrd n..ˌ ɛrɪlɪ]