
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-14

答:Norwegen 5,78 Euro Schweden 5,62 Euro Schweiz 5,25 Euro Brasilien 4,16 Euro Uruguay 4.01 Euro Kanada 3,98 Euro Dänemark 3,82 Euro Australien 3,61 Euro Euro-Zone (Durchschnitt) 3,59 Euro 欧元区平均 3.59欧 ...

Beijing in vote of confidence for euro zone什么意思QAQ

easyzone 是什么意思
答:easy zone 易区 网络释义 1. 轻松区 例句:1.Easy access to credit lured the euro zone's periphery into overborrowing.信贷的唾手可得诱使欧元区外围国家过度借债。2.Life is still far from easy in the peripheral states of the united states of europe ( as the euro zone is nowknown)...

one half 是什么意思
答:克鲁格曼所担心的日本式lost decade(失去的十年),指的是一个国家或地区陷入长期的经济不景气的状况持续达10年左右才逐渐转好的情况。类似的例子还有二战后的英国和20世纪80年代的拉美。而最近euro zone(欧元区)经济也难见好转,更加剧了人们的担心。Half在这里表示“不完全的、半途的”。Jim的half ...

答:双语例句The Fuyeor video website can be used after registering an account and logging in.复玥视频网站注册账号登录后即可使用。Italy is among the biggest borrowers in the world, and its debt accounts for nearly a quarter of the total debt of the overall euro zone.意大利是世界上最大...

答:但是100多年之后,这个梦想实施了,但是也经历了几十年的坎坷, 但是虽然欧元诞生10年多了,问题还是很多.内部的意见不统一,经济发展问题,大国和小国的利益,等等 东亚甚至整个亚洲要建立单一货币"亚元"可能路子更长 第一没有欧洲接近或类似的经济文化背景 . 第二区域经济差别太大 第三宗教等不同 ...

答:Even more important, the latest figures suggest that, whereas productivity growth is now slowing in America, it is accelerating in the euro zone.根据人力资源管理协会最新的一份调查显示,80%的人力资源专家声称雇主都愿意协商薪资。According to a recent survey from the Society for Human ...

out of the question 什么意思
答:英[aut ɔv ðə ˈkwestʃən]美[aʊt ʌv ði ˈkwɛstʃən]不值得讨论的,不可能的; 谈不上;[例句]Even renegotiation of the plan, finalized only in march, is out of the question, euro-zone authorities ...


答:长城的我以前有同学在那里面做过 用的最多就是PRO/E , 其次就是CAD和3DMAX


饶泊19519743969: 三道高中英语选择题 -
榆中县苗功:: (1)the club 表示团体的人,用法等同于the family the school等,结合语境,以及题目中“thieir”这个单词的提示,表明the club为复数 用need(2)plus是一个介词,谓语单复数取决于它前一个单词eight,它是一个表数字的单词,为单数(3)一般是dress sb in 意为给某人穿衣,此题目中为被动语态,且audience为复数概念,选Dfor example:He was wearing a red coat.=He was dressed in a red coat.

饶泊19519743969: ...Thespot exchange rate is €1.00 = $1.25 and the rates of inflation expected toprevail for the next year in the U.S. is 2% and 3% in the euro zone. What isthe ... - 作业帮
榆中县苗功::[答案] Given 2% inflation in US and 3% inflation in euro zone, the one year forward rate would be 1.25*(1+2%)/(1+3%)=1.2379 That is, €1.00 = $1.2379第二题怎么跟第一题一模一样?不重复回答了啊....

饶泊19519743969: As many members_____were present agreed to the plan.参考答案是DA who B that C which D as - 作业帮
榆中县苗功::[答案] 是D.本题考查定语从句引导词as的用法.因为先行词前出现as,定语从句须由as引导,构成结构.附:只能用as引导的定语从句 1.置于句首时,非限定性定语从句只能用as引导.例如: _______ is known to everybody...

饶泊19519743969: 英语翻译 -
榆中县苗功:: 2. the general policy is to be completed by the end of the negotiation process. Collective learning, especially among key members of the study group decided the outcome of the negotiations pro...