
来源:kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-27

答:有个性的英文翻译是personality,作为名词使用,主语可以直接是人,如She is quite a personality. 她相当有个性。personality 英 [ˌpɜ:səˈnæləti] 美 [ˌpɜ:rsəˈnæləti]n.生而为人;人格,人品,个性;人物;名人 ...

答:personality可数,有复数。复数形式是personalities。personality作名词意思是“生而为人;人格,人品,个性;人物;名人。”确实在中国的观点是性格属于不可数名词。但是可以理解为性格的种类,是可数名词,有复数的。personality 造句 1. Their son is a real personality.他们的儿子真是有个性。2. His wife...


急求 汪峰英文简介
答:the same year led to the closure of the autistic character and personality of autism has led to Wang Feng after the volcano burst forth like a general, frantically pouring, write songs, write songs, ignorant, rebellious, freedom, love. Soul like a flash under the splash of his ...

答:she can only stay to help her parents if she finds work at the bathouse, and she must work and find a way to reverse the effects on her parents. This is a story of growing up, and finding ourselves.这是当时做的一篇课前演讲的用过的...不过具体当时忘了是从那找的了......

be attracted to和be attracted by的区别是什么?
答:②She was attracted by the engaging lecture.她被那个引人入胜的讲座吸引了。2、情境不同 be attracted to放在描述人的喜好、感情倾向、兴趣爱好等方面使用较多;be attracted by则更偏重于描述人对某事物(如一场音乐会、一幅画作等)产生吸引力的方面。例句:①I'm attracted to life in the ...

spring song(春之颂)作者介绍、背景知识、名句赏析、读后感。全部用英文...
答:早期作品简洁明快,中后期作品趋向玄妙晦涩,充满神秘色彩。 威廉·布莱克(William Blake)的一生极其简单,也没有什么大书特写之处,只有一些一直延续的简单事实和紧迫的艺术创作活动。1757年,他出生于伦敦一个贫寒的袜商家庭。由于个性过于独特,不喜欢正统学校的压抑气氛拒绝入学,因而没有受过正规教育。他...


都竖13410841661: personal 与 individual 在用法上有什么区别 - 作业帮
鹤庆县桂爱::[答案] personal意为“个人的,私人的,亲自的”,强调本人,而非他人所能代表或代替的.例如: 1.personally speaking,就个人而言(我的观点) 2.I have something personal to discuss with you because it's related to either my own or your intimate ...

都竖13410841661: 英语造句1.suggestion2.get sth for sb3.get sb for+原因4.personal5.enough今天晚上的英语作业啊,希望大家能快点帮我造下句. - 作业帮
鹤庆县桂爱::[答案] You should adopt my suggestion.你应该采纳我的意见. Get a cup of water for me,please!请去给我倒杯水来. I went out to get him back for that somebody was calling for him on the phone.我到外面把他叫回来是因为电话里有人找他. It is just my personal ...

都竖13410841661: _______in conversation,they didn't notice me entering the room.______in conversation,they didn't notice me entering the room.1.engaged2.engaging3.... - 作业帮
鹤庆县桂爱::[答案] 选 1.engaged Engaged in conversation,they didn't notice me entering the room.他们忙着说话,都没注意我进屋了.engaged 形容词,从事...的;忙於...的[(+in/on)],后面不用加反身代词,所以2,3,4都不对.例如:He is en...

都竖13410841661: 怎样快速启动卡巴斯基Personal -
鹤庆县桂爱:: 使用卡巴斯基过程中发现,可以取消卡巴斯基开机扫描启动项,大大提高启动速度.方法:在设置里---手动扫描任务---扫描系统启动对象---属性---启动对象---设置---计划---把启用计划扫描...

都竖13410841661: personal是什么意思 - 作业帮
鹤庆县桂爱::[答案] personal 英 [ˈpɜ:sənl] 美 [ˈpɜ:rsənl] adj.个人的,私人的; 身体的; 亲自的; 人身攻击的 n.(报刊上的)人事栏,分类人事广告版; 人称代名词; 关于个人的简讯 个人;个人的;私人的;个人的,私人的 复数: personals 双语例句 1. My ...