
来源:kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02

请问employment agencies是什么意思

答:employment的意思是:就业;受雇;应用;使用;工作;职业;雇用。双语例句:1、One of the pulls of urban life is the opportunity of finding employment。城市生活的诱惑之一是工作机会多。2、Many agencies now have a unit to deal with women's needs vis-à-vis employment。现在许多机构都设有...

答:Only workers with a legal right to work shall be employed or used by the supplier.All workers, including employment agency staff, must be validated by the supplier for their legal right to work by reviewing original documentation.Employment agencies must only supply workers registered wi...

答:Employment discrimination is when employers (or unions or employment agencies) illegally single out employees and job candidates. Anti-discrimination regulations are issued and enforced at the Federal level by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). According to the EEOC, ...

答:In today's,the temporary work involved in every aspect,from the receptionist to chief executive vice President,and there are other more types.Because employment agencies first deal with the company, so many market and consultation work have given you ready.If you think: "anyway want ...

答:战术,互相脱节的营销活动和方案的日子已经屈指可数了。由于商业和定制解决方案和服务的今天,销售组织越来越能够通过多种渠道销售。以下是一些用法示例突出的几个关键渠道进行审查。数据和内容管理 超过半数的有效的营销活动的斗争是获取和保持良好的前景和客户数据。它是卖方必须建立一个信息库,使他们能够...

答:Served as a primary contact for advertising agencies and clients on inquires and requests regarding invoices, schedules, pricing, etc. Managed customer account database and maintained client contracts and files. Interacted with multiple departments including Credit, Production, Marketing and Accounting. ...

答:fees Rayal Immigration would change for each client had Rayal Immigration and not "xx" secured the employment of such client from these employers or employer agencies.xx需要承担等价的皇家移民局为之办理委托事项的费用。皇家移民局,而不是xx自己,保证xx将从雇主或者雇主代理处获得工作。

答:After unemployment, staff and workers of enterprises and institutions in cities and towns shall undergo promptly registration with designated social insurance agencies on the basis of the certificates of termination and dissolution of employment relation issued by their work units. 失业保险金自办理失业登记...

答:second, check up the laws, rules and the files which are deviated to the constitution; finally, improve the law system of the Employment Discrimination Law of China.[Keywords] right of labour, the discrimination in employment, equal employment 英语商科毕业~100%手译. 语句绝对通顺. 语...


安性13138826363: 加拿大签证里employment那一栏是必填的吗?怎么一直要提醒?
江永县赏孟:: 对.没有就业就填N/A

安性13138826363: 加拿大签证儿童如何填写Employment(Work/Occup?
江永县赏孟:: 选择学生即可

安性13138826363: 英语翻译1 就业压力 (就业压力的与日俱增,使许多有志青年选择创业)2 “与之不成比例” (面对商品的大量需求,我们却面对着与之不成比例的货物的供... - 作业帮
江永县赏孟::[答案] 1.employment pressure As part of our job vulnerable groups (college students) of the employment pressure would be difficult to unprecedented!作为我们弱势就业群体(应届大学生)的就业压力将是史无前例的...

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江永县赏孟::[答案] 加an 因为employment第一个是元音~

安性13138826363: employment是什么意思 -
江永县赏孟:: employment[英][ɪmˈplɔɪmənt][美][ɛmˈplɔɪmənt]n.雇用; 职业; 使用; 有益的活动; 复数:employments双语例句1The employment of children under nine对不满9岁的儿童的雇用