
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

Don.t()(eating) too munh!
答 第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳,如果本题还有疑问请追问,Good luck!

答:不吃了,i am full, i can't take anymore.别吃了,stop eating/don't eat anymore.没吃,i haven't eaten/ate.

答:t.用英语怎么说:The sister took her brother to a painting exhibition where some rules for visitors’ are required, and recommended to use the sentence mode”Don’t “.For example:Don’t smoking anywhere and any time.Don’t talk loudly.Don’t eating and drinking during visiting.

答:例如healthy eating有益健康的饮食。You're not eating properly你的饮食不合理。 扩展资料 是eating。eating是eat的现在分词。eat的.意思是吃;吃饭;用餐。例如she don't eat meat她不吃肉;She was eating a sandwich她在吃三明治。eating可以用作名词和动词,名词的意思是饮食,动词的意思与...

don't___(eating)to0 much!
答:填 eat 具体分析如下:这是祈使句 而且是否定句,否定词后面跟动词原形。祝你学业进步

Don't Eat the Tomatoes: They're Poisonous!翻译
答:After finishing the tomato, Johnson picked up another and started eating it. Another woman in the crowd fainted.当他吃完那个土豆,拿起一个接着吃,另外一个人发出了尖叫 Soon the basket was empty. The crowd exploded in applause. Robert Johnson became a hero. In less than five years...

答:如果是口头说,用 please don't eat anything in the classroom.但如果用标语,语气要稍硬 No eating in the classroom.

答:Juice Press. But I can't do juice cleanses-not eating really affects me, so I will do everything, just in moderation."6.我们吃不吃饭全都由你决定it's Up To You Whether We Eat Or Not.7.如果你不吃饭的话就会饿肚子的哦。You will definitely feel hungry if you don't eat.


Don‘t eat too much 的问句怎么写?
答:你好,高兴帮助你。问句:How much should/may/can I eat?我可以吃多少?回答:Don't eat too much.别吃太多。也可以说 Don't eat too much, will you?别吃太多,好吗?请采纳,谢谢!!


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曲江县荀爽:: 小题1:What's ;like 小题2:rides,his/a/the 小题3:Don't do 小题4:How far 小题5:Don't eat/No eating 试题分析:小题1:句意:宜春的天气怎样?What is /was the weather like in +地点?故用What's ;like.小题2:句意:他骑自行车去上学....

辕蓓17064631296: 英文怎么改否定句
曲江县荀爽:: 1.系动词(am,is,are)做谓语的句子,否定时直接在其后加not.I am a student./I am not a student.这类句子变一般疑问句时只需将谓语提前.Are you a student?I对应am/you对应are/he对应is/she对应is/it对应is2.实意动词做谓语的句子,否定时要借助于助动词do 完成.I like eating apples./I do not (don't缩写)like eating apples.这类句子的一般疑问句同样要借助于助动词do 完成.Do you like eating apples?

辕蓓17064631296: I don't like - _____(eat/eating) meat.填什么呢?记得两个短语:not do sth./like doing sth怎么办? - 作业帮
曲江县荀爽::[答案] eating don't like doing sth:是指不喜欢做某件事 don't like to do sth:是指某个时刻不想做某件事

辕蓓17064631296: dono`t eat before bedtime等于 -
曲江县荀爽:: Don't eat before bedtime.等于:1) Don't eat anything before going to bed.2) Eating something is not allowed before you go to sleep.

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曲江县荀爽:: I like fish,but I don't like eating fish. 选A. 填 fish (鱼肉) 另外, 表 “鱼的数量”时 单复数都用fish 表 “鱼的种类”时 复数才+es