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distinguish between是什么意思
答:distinguish between 英[disˈtiŋɡwiʃ biˈtwi:n]美[dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ bɪˈtwin][释义] 辨别,识别(两者)之间的不同; 辨明;[网络] 辨别;[例句]It means that you have to distinguish between them.这意味着你...

答:distinguish between 是区分 A和B ,找出二者的不同之处。 distinguish between (A and B) 区分 (后面的东西),一般至少2个以上 tell from 辨别 根据后面的内容作出判断 She's ill--you can tell from her appearance. 她病了——你可以从她的样子看出来。 tell from是辨别两者之间的差异。是把 A 从 A。B...

distinguish a from b 和distinguish between a and b 的区别 各举个...
答:distinguish a from b 中的distinguish是vt.辨别, 识别; 把a和b区别开;distinguish right from wrong 明辨是非 distinguish good from evil 分辨善恶 distinguish between a and b中的distinguish是vi.ab都是要区分识别的,平级。distinguish between silk and rayon 分清丝和人造丝 People who cannot di...

distinguish between A and B和 distinguish A from B的区别
答:distinguish between a and b中的distinguish是vi.ab都是要区分识zhidao别的,平级。distinguish a from b 中的distinguish是vt.辨别,识别; 把a和b区别开。英语学习的方法。1 学习英语的首要理念:要努力去了解“是什么”,而尽量少去了解“为什么”。因为英语是语言,很多语汇和句型的用法没有道理可讲...

答:distinguish在英语中可以作为动词使用,其主要含义是“区分,分辨,辨别”。常见的用法包括:distinguish between A and B:区分A和B,表示将两者进行比较,找出它们之间的不同之处。例如:It’s important to distinguish between right and wrong.distinguish oneself:表现出色,脱颖而出。例如:He ...

英语词汇: 表示“区分”、“辨别”的动词
答:Distinguish,如同在繁花中寻找一枝独秀,它的核心含义是识别出相似事物间的细微差异,使之从群体中脱颖而出。它的常见结构有 distinguish …… from …….. 和 distinguish between …….例如,一对双胞胎的微妙差异可能会让旁观者困惑,"The twins are so alike that it's a challenge to distinguish...

答:区别A和B的4种说法:1、A not the same as B.2、tell the difference between A and B.3、distinguish between A and B.4、separate A from B.重点词汇 not 不 ; (构成动词be、do和have及情态动词can或must等的否定形式,常缩略为n't)没有 same as 等同于;与…一致 tell 告诉 ; 告知...

谁知道 distinguish和 discriminate用法区别
答:1、distinguish “区分”、“辨别”,指从很相似的事物中认清某事物的特征,从而与 其他事物区别开来。常用结构:distinguish …… from ……distinguish between ……1) The twins are so alike that you cannot easily distinguish the one from the other.这对双胞胎太相似了,你根本分不清谁是谁。

答:1、vt. 区分;辨别;使杰出,使表现突出 2、vi. 区别,区分;辨别 例句:1、We can distinguish one kind of substance from another by its properties.我们可以根据物质的特性把一种物质与另一种物质辨别开来。2、It means that you have to distinguish between them.这意味着你必须得辨别它们。

求tell...from. 和 distinguish between 的主要区别


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