
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-29

continue to do sth 和continue doing sth 意思一样吗?
答:而continue doing sth.是继续做刚才没做完的那件事 虽然都有继续的意思,但继续干的对象是不同的 2demand to do sth.是(要求)需要做某事的意思 3。forget to do sth.是忘记做某事 而forget doing sth.是忘记做过某事 e.g.:1 After answering phone .I continue to do my housework.接过...

用一个词语来解释continue to do something
答:continue to do sth.===go on to do sth.(做完了一件事)开始做另一件事

答:continue sth 继续某事continue to do sth (昨晚某事)继续做某事continue doing sth (一直做某事)继续做

continue to do 与continue doing的区别
答:continue to do sth.===go on to do sth.(做完了一件事)开始做另一件事 continue doing sth.== go on doing sth.继续做先前做的事情 1 )Now let's continue talking about our travel plan.现在我们继续讨论旅游计划。2) We have done our homework. Now let's continue to play ...

答:continue to do sth是做完一件再做别的 continue doing sth是做一件事中断后再继续做这件事 v.>继续;连续 Meanwhile I continued my investigation.同时我继续调查.<v.>继续;连续;连绵 The battle continued for several hours until darkness came on.战斗持续了几个小时,直到夜幕降临.<v.>继续;...

continue to do和continue doing的区别
答:continue to do 指继续做另一件事 Continue doing 指继续做刚刚做过的那件事。例:After drinking a cup of coffee,I continued to do my homework.(喝咖啡之前我是在做别的事而不是做作业)After drinking a cup of coffee,I continued doing my homework.(喝咖啡之前我在做作业但没做完,喝完...

continue to do sth.与continue doing sth.的区别?
答:与GO ON DOING 和GO ON TO DO 的区别一样 continue to do sth 是指暂停一下 再继续去做另一件事 continue doing sth是指继续去做刚刚在做的那件事


请问continu to do sth 和continu to have been doing
答:continue后接不定式是指停顿后又继续干某事,而后面加动名词则是指毫无停顿的做某事,而comtinue to have been doing则是继续做已经做过的事情

continue to do和continue doing的区别
答:to do代表做完一件事再继续去做其他的 doing表示继续做现在没有完成的事


山食15078677286: 请教一下,continue doing sth和continue to do sth的区别是什么? -
上杭县池伟:: continue doing sth 是继续做现在正在做的事,continue to do sth是继续做一件别的事情

山食15078677286: continue to do sth 与continue doing sth 用法是一样的吗
上杭县池伟:: 是一样的

山食15078677286: continue doing sth 和 continue to do sth 有什么区别啊?谢谢
上杭县池伟:: doing是正在做,to do 是没开始做 continue doing sth 是继续正在做的事.比如He stopped talking and continue doing his homework.他停止说话继续做作业 continue to do sth 是继续去做某事.比如He stopped watching TV and continue to do his homework.

山食15078677286: 1,可接不定式作宾语(即动词+to do sth.结构)的动词有continue能接动名词作宾语的动词有continue以上是英语辅导书上写的,2,问一个人长相如何和一个... - 作业帮
上杭县池伟::[答案] 1.continue + to do和continue + doing都可以看作是动词加宾语的结构.在本例中,两种结构意思有差别.如果表示做完一个事情之后继续又去做另外一个事情,用前者;朗文例句:Sheila continued to work after she had her...