
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-27

答:connect the dots 连接这些点 拼音双语对照 1 And you connect the dots between what you eat and how you feel.而且你把你吃的东西和你的感觉联系起来了。2 You can't connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards.你们同样不可能从这个点上看到将来,只有在...

connect the dots是什么意思
答:connect the dots意思是:连点;看图连点;融会贯通;连接点;重点;关键点 例句:1、Today is all about taking time to connect the dots in your life.今天你需要花时间好好回顾一下过往的经历。2、For this, you just keep "connecting the dots.对于这个问题,只需保持“连接句点”即可。词汇...

connecting the dots是什么意思
答:connecting the dots n.连线画图(游戏); 一种小游戏; 即把标有序号的点连接起来; 就能构成图画。;例句:1."He did a pretty good job connecting the dots."“他把散乱的点连接了起来。”

connect the dots是什么意思
答:connect the dots 连点成线 And you connect the dots between what you eat and how you feel.而且你把你吃的东西和你的感觉联系起来了。

connect the dots是什么意思
答:connect the dots 连接点 运行环境支持Android 2.0应用类型策略游戏类游戏应用介绍连接点有4个不同的游戏模式:1-2点的街机游戏:连接两个相同颜色的点不重叠的其他连接,喜欢的朋友赶快来下载吧!

connect the dots是什么意思
答:connect the dots 理清楚头绪,琢磨出答案 connect: vt. 1.连接,接合,连接。 2.使有联系,为…接通电 ...the: 短语和例子 hire by the week 按周雇用。 n. 【法律】嫁妆,嫁资,妆奁。 adj. -al 例句与用法 1.The first story is about connecting the dots 第1个...

connect the dots是什么意思?
答:  Connect the dots, also known as dot to dot or join the dots is a form of puzzle containing a sequence of numbered dots。[1] When a line is drawn connecting the dots the outline of an object is revealed。   The puzzles often contain simple line ...

connecting the dots是什么意思
答:可能是一张图,图中有很多点点,connecting the dots就是让你把所有的点点都连起来。

连点成线—— connecting the dots
答:乔布斯最有名的那场在斯坦福大学的演讲看了很多遍,除了最有名的那句 stay hungry, stay foolish, 最喜欢前面的一段“I’m connecting the dots.” 连点成线。 “Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards te...



政滕18693438168: He lived in a room - ______to the outside world only by a fax machine. - 作业帮
新安县相苏::[选项] A. to connect B. connecting C. connected D. to be connected 为什么选c

政滕18693438168: when he came to the room - ___to the rest of the building,he got - __.a.connected lost b .connecting lost为什么呀 - 作业帮
新安县相苏::[答案] B connecting to表示房间和其它相连,connect to可以用主动

政滕18693438168: (++)+five+birds+flying+in+the+sky?空格填Are还是Do? -
新安县相苏:: 你好,你可以填 are ,因为后面flying是动词进行时而不是原形,所以能够肯定不会填do,再所以be动词加doing表示动作正在进行,就是它啦.希望能够帮到你,祝你学习进步!