
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

are u in the study用英语用英语怎么回答
答:重点词汇:study 释义:n. 研究;学习;学科;书房;(绘画或文学)习作;练习曲;沉思 v. 研究;学习;读书;仔细观察;努力 用法:study作名词指“学习”时,可以说the study of Chinese,studies in Chinese,Chinese studies等,但很少说Chinese study。注意Chinese studies比the study of Chinese范围...

study过去式 英文
答:3、study也可表示绘画的“习作”“练习曲”,用作可数名词。4、study还可表示“引人注意的或不同寻常的事物或景象”,常跟不定冠词a连用。5、study作名词指“学习”时,可以说the study of Chinese,studies in Chinese, Chinese studies等,但很少说Chinese study。注意Chinese studies比the study of...


英文study chinese是什么意思
答:study chinese 学习中文 he is studying chinese 他正在学习中文

答:read more.You had better read some simple Chinese books.Finally,write more.Why not write to your Chinese friends in Chinese?It's a great help on your Chinese study.I hope that your Chinese will be better soon。我很高兴告诉你如何学习汉语。首先,你应该多听。看中国的电视节目,并...

答:study(ing)形式:studying。重点词汇:1、studying v.学习,研究( study的现在分词 );想出;详细地检查;背诵(台词等)。The discipline of studying music can help children develop good work habits.音乐学习中的训练可以帮助孩子们培养好的工作习惯。2、study 英 [ˈstʌdi] 美 [&...

答:You'd better read some simple Chinese books. Finally, write more. Why not write to your Chinese friends? This is very helpful to your Chinese study.Hope your Chinese will be better soon.扩展知识 音标学习方法 1、多听。学习音标要先练习听,最初接触音标的时候听个一两遍几乎没有什么...

studies Chinese和cooks Chinese food的原形是什么
答:studies Chinese的原形“study Chinese”,意思是“学习中文”cooks Chinese food的原形“cook Chinese food”,意思是“煮中国菜”

答:Introduce Chinese study ways Introduce Chinese study ways.In China,our teacher taught us,for example,I can speak English crouse,when you go to the class,always was teacher say,the students have a listen,I think we studied a language,we should use English have a talk be freely....

study chinese的动词原型


尹凝13243157544: study chinese的动词原型 - 作业帮
通海县经皇::[答案] study本身就是动词原形

尹凝13243157544: 关于国学的英语作文怎么写 -
通海县经皇:: China, is the oasis in the desert, you gave me hope; China, you are the light in the dark night, give me light; China, you are the sunshine rain and dew, bath I thrive. China, is my favorite. Now, I have already entered the door of Chinese study, are ...

尹凝13243157544: our cousin doesn't study chinese at school这个是什么句子? -
通海县经皇:: our cousin doesn't study Chinese at school 就是主谓宾结构,our cousin是主语,doesnt study 是谓语,chinese 是宾语,at school 是地点状语